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[BUG-231578] Rezzed Animesh objects vanish and flicker #9030

Open sl-service-account opened 2 years ago

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

What just happened?

Animesh trees rezzed on my land randomly vanish, and sometimes flicker rapidly visible/invisible. This is happening repeatedly, randomly, and often enough to make the trees unusable. They are well within my view distance and first LOD distance. I have several sets rezzed and it happens to all of them. Their shadows are still visible and animating. I can stand right under the trees and they still do not appear, but I can see the shadows on the ground and even select the invisible trees above me.

What were you doing when it happened?

Viewing trees on my land, within my view distance and first LOD distance.

What were you expecting to happen instead?

Rezzed animesh objects should not randomly vanish for no good cause!

Other information

The creator of the Hayabusa trees has seen the issue too, with their own Animesh trees on their own sim.

When vanished, I can still select the trees by guessing where they are and in Firestorm they show different Object LOD Behaviour to what they do when visible (extremely low object radius and LOD switch distances compared to what they should be). Sometimes TPing out and back brings the trees back, sometimes not. I can find no pattern to reliably cause the trees to vanish or bring them back.

The issue happens in LL and Firestorm viewers the same.


Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-231578 | | Summary | Rezzed Animesh objects vanish and flicker | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Needs More Info | | Resolution | Unresolved | | Created at | 2021-12-18T15:58:12Z | | Updated at | 2022-04-19T02:18:17Z | ``` { 'Build Id': 'unset', 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2021-12-19T00:00:45.631-0600', "Is there anything you'd like to add?": 'The creator of the Hayabusa trees has seen the issue too, with their own Animesh trees on their own sim.\r\n\r\nWhen vanished, I can still select the trees by guessing where they are and in Firestorm they show different Object LOD Behaviour to what they do when visible (extremely low object radius and LOD switch distances compared to what they should be). Sometimes TPing out and back brings the trees back, sometimes not. I can find no pattern to reliably cause the trees to vanish or bring them back.\r\n\r\nThe issue happens in LL and Firestorm viewers the same.', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Viewer', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'Animesh trees rezzed on my land randomly vanish, and sometimes flicker rapidly visible/invisible. This is happening repeatedly, randomly, and often enough to make the trees unusable. They are well within my view distance and first LOD distance. I have several sets rezzed and it happens to all of them. Their shadows are still visible and animating. I can stand right under the trees and they still do not appear, but I can see the shadows on the ground and even select the invisible trees above me.', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'Viewing trees on my land, within my view distance and first LOD distance.', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'Rezzed animesh objects should not randomly vanish for no good cause!', 'Where': '', } ```
sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Lucia Nightfire commented at 2021-12-19T06:00:46Z, updated at 2021-12-19T07:43:11Z

I see the trees fine, even with a low LOD Factor and draw distance set.

Is the non-impostor value in Prefs > Graphics too low?

If it is lower than the amount of users + animesh in a scene, the farthest users or animesh will become sprites and "flicker" if their animated image location(pelvis bone translation) changes enough to cause their ranking to change. 

Can you post a picture or video of what you're seeing?

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2021-12-19T17:20:13Z

I suspect Lucia is correct about the cause of the problem. Is this the effect you are seeing?

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

rick.daylight commented at 2021-12-20T23:12:54Z

I don't believe it is related to the non-imposter setting. My setting is at 30 and there were only six animesh/avatar objects (myself included) in the entire region. The flickering I mention was not like the sprite effect; the trees simply switched rapidly (several times per second) from being properly visible to not there at all, and continued to do so as I stood right next to them until I relogged thinking the viewer had crashed. I've only seen it do that twice.

Most of the time, I'll just suddenly notice that one (sometimes more) sets of trees is just not there: after TPing in, restoring my viewer from minimised or simply turning around to look towards the trees (which were there a moment before) while moving around my land. I'm well within my draw and first LOD distance etc.. Sometimes after vanishing a set will suddenly reappear, either when I turn around again or sometimes while I am looking at the empty space. Mostly though they will not reappear until I relog, sometimes they will reappear on TPing out and back.

Getting a video would be tricky because I don't know when it will happen, but really all it would show is that the trees are not there, while their shadow can be clearly seen on the ground where they should be (and the shadow does animate).

I'll attach my Firestorm log copied a few minutes after a set vanished. That set remained invisible for my entire logged in session after that. UUID of the trees which vanished is: 8c667b9e-b4ba-13c0-b0bc-91a549b83a75 although I don't see anything that looks interesting about it in the log myself.

I think the fact that Firestorm reports the trees' object radius as extremely small when they are vanished (compared to what it is when visible) is significant somehow. It's not just not drawing them... it sees them differently in some way.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Dan Linden commented at 2022-01-03T19:08:07Z

More discussion in the forums:

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Dan Linden commented at 2022-01-15T07:03:44Z

I put a couple copies of these trees on my own region for observation. Moving this bug to Needs More Information status for now, so people can comment if a repro is found.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

rick.daylight commented at 2022-04-19T02:18:17Z

Sorry that I have not found a reliable way to reproduce the trees' disappearance or reapperance. It seems completely random. I have taken a few screen videos showing the trees vanishing when moved in edit mode.

I had noticed the trees were not there and managed to click on them in edit mode by guessing where they were. In the video you can see a second lot of the trees next to them, identical just different texture, which are working properly (at this moment). When moved, the problem trees repeatedly vanish and reappear. I have my viewer LOD facter at 3, draw distance at 192m and max non-imposter avatars at unlimited. The tree's first LOD switch at those is over 500m.

You can see the shadows and water reflection of the tree even when the tree is not itself drawn. The occasional flicking of them in the video is much slower than it is on my monitor; the video doesn't capture it fully. The trees are flicking about 4 times per second when they show the occasional flicker on the video.

After TPing out and back (which is not a reliable way to make anything happen one way or the other with the trees; sometimes it works) the trees showed normally: the object radius of the trees in the edit window went back to normal (about 42m) and I could move them around as normal.

Video links on youtube: