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[BUG-231746] Private messages are constantly lost while we are offline #9150

Open sl-service-account opened 2 years ago

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

What just happened?

I often miss private messages and friend requests while offline

What were you doing when it happened?

i was offline from second life and my friend sent messages and friend request on sl, and what happened? the message and request did not arrive after I logged into sl

What were you expecting to happen instead?

I wanted to receive the friend request and private messages when entering sl, it is very bad to miss messages while we are not logged in

Other information

Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-231746 | | Summary | Private messages are constantly lost while we are offline | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Needs More Info | | Resolution | Unresolved | | Created at | 2022-02-04T16:02:01Z | | Updated at | 2022-02-07T12:11:00Z | ``` { 'Build Id': 'unset', 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2022-02-04T11:48:33.419-0600', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Simulator', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': 'I often miss private messages and friend requests while offline', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'i was offline from second life and my friend sent messages and friend request on sl, and what happened? the message and request did not arrive after I logged into sl', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': 'I wanted to receive the friend request and private messages when entering sl, it is very bad to miss messages while we are not logged in', } ```
sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

davidventer commented at 2022-02-04T17:48:33Z

Same. Offline IM's to Email doesn't seem to be working.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Maestro Linden commented at 2022-02-04T18:32:50Z

Hi @magnetico7, for the incident you describe, how many offline messages had you received in total when you logged in?

As this blog post describes, only the oldest 15 offline messages will be visible at login time for basic accounts, while premium accounts get up to 80 offline messages: This means that if you had previously received 15 other messages while offline, the messages from your friend could have been lost.

If the total number of received messages was fewer than 15 in the incident you describe, this could be a bug. To pursue it as such, we need specifics of an example incident; could you please try the following?:

  1. Log out
  2. Have your friend send an IM to you, noting the exact time and region they were in (to be included in this Jira)
  3. Log in
  4. If the message was not received, exit the viewer and attach the viewer's SecondLife.log file from that session to this Jira. See for information on where to find the log file

    As an aside, note that there's a separate known issue for friend requests received while offline (BUG-229460). When this bug is hit, the friend request will be received at viewer login time, but clicking to accept it will fail to add the friend.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

Maestro Linden commented at 2022-02-04T18:37:51Z

@davidventer offline IMs sent to email is another can of worms. This changed recently - you now need to explicitly opt in to receive certain types of emails:

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

davidventer commented at 2022-02-04T20:30:49Z

Thanks Maestro! I have done that. I will test to see if it's working now.

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

davidventer commented at 2022-02-04T20:48:11Z, updated at 2022-02-04T21:00:16Z

@Meastro. I can confirm that offline IM to email is not working for me even though I have opted in to receive it. 

After logging back in, I did not receive the message in-world either. 

(Tested this myself using one of my land and group management alts)

Another thing I'd like to add: My main account isn't receiving any Newsletter emails from Linden Lab either. I only get those on my land/group management alt, but I've checked all my email preferences and I should be receiving the official newsletters just fine. So, no IM's or Email newsletters. But I DO receive everything else related to Second Life such as Linden buy orders, marketplace orders, Jira comments etc. I'm not sure what could be the issue here? Should I contact support? Maybe this is an account-specific issue?

sl-service-account commented 2 years ago

davidventer commented at 2022-02-07T12:11:01Z

Update: When I logged in today, the offline test IM I sent from an alt to myself 3 days ago finally came through. Still haven't received the IM by email.