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Replacing Links for a BOM texture does not retain the texture order. #1664

Open canny[bot] opened 3 months ago

canny[bot] commented 3 months ago

If you use the Replace Links feature to replace a BOM texture, the "new" texture is placed at the top of the list. Because list order is essential to the proper baking of textures, especially body and head textures, this causes every outfit to failure to bake correctly.

Having searched for a global way to reorder textures (and finding none, not surprisingly) this places the user in the unenviable position of individually manually editing potentially hundreds of outfits.

canny[bot] commented 3 months ago

This issue has been linked to a Canny post: Replacing Links for a BOM texture does not retain the texture order. :tada:

AtlasLinden commented 3 months ago

Repro with tattoos clip:

AtlasLinden commented 3 months ago

Further info from original reporter Wendy Nitely: In going through outfits to correct the order I've gleaned more information.

  1. The original texture was the LAST texture in the display order of textures when viewed in the AVATR floater MY OUTFITS tab. This was true for all outfits, they having all been made from an existing base outfit.
  2. In every case I've looked at, the new texture (the one that was implemented via the Replace Links feature) appears at the TOP texture in the list when viewed in the AVATR floater MY OUTFITS tab.
  3. When R-clicking the Outfit Name (in the AVATR floater MY OUTFITS tab) and selecting "Edit outfit", in about 1/2 the cases the new texture is at the Top of the displayed order, in the rest the new texture is at the bottom of the displayed order.
  4. A No matter where the new texture order is positioned in the "Edit outfit" display, the baked order is incorrect, in other words the baked order places the new texture last, the top position over-riding all others below it (e.g. laugh lines, forehead wrinkles ad hair base not showing).
  5. Correcting the bake order is accomplished by moving the texture from into the correct position. HOWEVER, If the texture is already in the correct (bottom of the list) position the correction must be accomplished by moving the texture up one and Save changes, followed by moving it back down into the correct position and Save changes. Only then will the Bake order be correct.