secretkeylabs / xverse-web-extension

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Safari Extension #446

Open ropl-btc opened 1 year ago

ropl-btc commented 1 year ago

Hi Xverse Team,

Great Job on everything you've accomplished so far and for open sourcing Xverse. Now that we onboard so many new people in the Web3 Space and from Bitcoin into Web3, I think it's time to make Web Wallets even more accessible. One step to achieve this would be to make the Extension available for the most used Browser on Macs – Safari.

I think a Safari Extension could give you at least a couple of thousand new users and at the same time make you the no.1 wallet extension on the Apple App Store for Mac.

As a builder myself I would want to onboard my users as easily as possible and not have them switch browser for just one extension, especially because there are a number of reasons why people wouldn't want to switch away from Safari (sync to other Apple devices, keychain, power efficiency, privacy, habits, etc.)

Would love to see that. Keep it up, Xverse!

yknl commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback and suggestion! We'll definitely look into making the extension compatible with Safari.