secretlounge / secretlounge-ng

A bot to make an anonymous group chat on Telegram
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Add a /t Toggle option #18

Closed 3Mstripes closed 4 years ago

3Mstripes commented 4 years ago

I am new to Github so you will have to deal with some terrible formatting

I got tired of using /t or /tsign all the time so I wanted to make a toggle tripcode option

I managed to give the user an option to toggle something to enable and disable tripcode, but I don't know how to implement the tripcode to passively turn their text into a tsigned message, here's what I did


Line 41: cmds = [ "start", "stop", "users", "info", "motd", "toggledebug", "togglekarma", "tripcodetoggle",

Line 373 cmd_tripcodetoggle = wrap_core(core.toggle_tripcode)


Line 292

@requireUser def toggle_tripcode(user): with db.modifyUser( as user: user.tripcodeToggle = not user.tripcodeToggle new = user.tripcodeToggle return rp.Reply(rp.types.BOOLEAN_CONFIG, description="Username (tripcode)", enabled=new)


class User():

-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( id BIGINT NOT NULL, username TEXT, realname TEXT NOT NULL, rank INTEGER NOT NULL, joined TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, left TIMESTAMP, lastActive TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, cooldownUntil TIMESTAMP, blacklistReason TEXT, warnings INTEGER NOT NULL, warnExpiry TIMESTAMP, karma INTEGER NOT NULL, hideKarma TINYINT NOT NULL, debugEnabled TINYINT NOT NULL, tripcode TEXT, 'tripcodeToggle' TINYINT NOT NULL,

Do you think you can add in a passive tripcode toggle function, or give me some pointers?

sfan5 commented 4 years ago

Firstly, you have opened a pull request, which is only necessary (or useful) when you have code changes in your Github fork. So I'll be closing this one.

The changes you need to make to relay() look as follows:

def relay(ev):
    # handle commands and karma giving
    if ev.content_type == "text" and ev.text.startswith("/"):
        pos = ev.text.find(" ") if " " in ev.text else len(ev.text)
        c = ev.text[1:pos].lower()
        if c in registered_commands.keys():
    elif ev.content_type == "text" and ev.text.strip() == "+1":
        return cmd_plusone(ev)

    # filter disallowed media types
    if not allow_documents and ev.content_type == "document" and ev.document.mime_type not in ("image/gif", "video/mp4"):

    c_user = UserContainer(ev.from_user)
    user = db.getUser(

    # find out which message is being replied to
    reply_msid = None
    if ev.reply_to_message is not None:
        reply_msid = ch.lookupMapping(, data=ev.reply_to_message.message_id)
        if reply_msid is None:
            logging.warning("Message replied to not found in cache")

    if ev.content_type == "text" and user.tripcodeToggle:
        msid = core.send_signed_user_message(c_user, calc_spam_score(ev), ev.text, reply_msid, tripcode=True)
        if isinstance(msid, rp.Reply):
            return send_answer(ev, msid)

        return ch.saveMapping(, msid, ev.message_id)

    msid = core.prepare_user_message(c_user, calc_spam_score(ev))
    if isinstance(msid, rp.Reply): # don't relay message, instead reply with something
        return send_answer(ev, msid)

    # relay message to all other users
    logging.debug("relay(): msid=%d reply_msid=%r", msid, reply_msid)
    for user2 in db.iterateUsers():
        if not user2.isJoined():
        if user2 == user and not user.debugEnabled:
            ch.saveMapping(, msid, ev.message_id)

        send_to_single(ev, msid, user2, reply_msid)