secure-software-engineering / FlowDroid

FlowDroid Static Data Flow Tracker
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Filtering sources by parameter values #668

Open tgkokk opened 8 months ago

tgkokk commented 8 months ago


I'm trying to add some kind of parameter filtering to the source definitions. To explain:

Given a Jimple statement such as:

r1 = staticinvoke < parse(java.lang.String)>("content://");

I would like to mark the RHS as a source (tainting r1, etc), only if the argument provided to is content:// (I am aware that may not quite be the intended usage of the tool)

Having looked around the code, issues etc. I think I need to use StatementSourceSinkDefinition (AFAICT there's no way to do it out-of-the-box with PermissionMethodParser or XMLSourceSinkParser) but I am a bit confused as to:

Thanks for your help.

StevenArzt commented 8 months ago

Your request is perfectly fine and FlowDroid can handle this. There are two approaches.

a) Implement your own ISourceSinkManager. For every reachable statement in the program, this class is queried whether the statement is a source, a sink, neither or both. You can then check whether it's a call to the method you want, check the parameter, and then return the correct indication. If you want the normal behavior for all other methods, just pass the query on to a normal AndroidSourceSinkManager if the statement doesn't need special-casing.

b) Implement a StatementSourceSinkDefinition and pass that to the existing ´´SourceSinkManager. The concept is a bit different here. The other definitions refer to APIs, e.g., match all calls to a method with a given signature. TheStatementSourceSinkDefinition, on the other hand, reference a concrete statement in the Jimple code. That's your misunderstanding. You need to loop over the Jimple IR and creates instances ofStatementSourceSinkDefinitionfor every statement that you want to consider as a source. In the constructor, you pass the respective statement and the local you want to track at that statement. You don't have oneStatementSourceSinkDefinition`` globally, but one per statement in the Jimple IR.