secure-software-engineering / FlowDroid

FlowDroid Static Data Flow Tracker
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Fix: different methods were considered as the same #699

Closed JordanSamhi closed 4 months ago

JordanSamhi commented 4 months ago

Two methods that are different are considered as the same because of the way the equals() method is implemented:


After the small fix:

StevenArzt commented 4 months ago

That's interesting. I guess we didn't have the return type so far, because inside the same application, you can't have two methods that only differ in their return type. That wouldn't be a valid overload.

JordanSamhi commented 4 months ago

You are right, but we are currently doing something that triggers this corner case: extraction of a bunch of methods from multiple apps and constituting a single set of those methods in a single program. Hence, while adding an element to a set the equals() method is triggered and was skipping some of them because of this problem.