secure-software-engineering / FlowDroid

FlowDroid Static Data Flow Tracker
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Why flowdroid cannot find the path from flow1 to flow2 by taint varibale Flow.data1? #728

Closed RabbitDong-on closed 2 months ago

RabbitDong-on commented 2 months ago

public class Flow { public static int data1=-1; public static int flow1(int count){ data1++; if(count<1){ count++; } return count; } public static int flow2(int count){ count=count+data1; if(count<2){ count++; } return count; }

public static void entryMethod(){


Source: flow1 Sink: flow2 Entry: entryMethod data1 is modified by flow1. data1 is used by flow2. Flowdroid does not support taint analysis for class field? or I need add more rule for taint analysis? Please help me figure out this problem. thanks.

StevenArzt commented 2 months ago

How did you define your sources and sinks? If the return value of method flow1 is tainted, this will taint variable data1. The variable is never passed to a sink. In your example, I thinkyou should rather define the method that produces flowdata1 as your source.

RabbitDong-on commented 2 months ago

In my code, List sources; List sinks; List entryPoint=new ArrayList(); entryPoint.add("<demo.Flow: void entryMethod()>"); sources.add("<demo.Flow: int flow1(int)>"); sinks.add("<demo.Flow: int flow2(int)>"); computeInfoflow(appPath, libPath, entryPoint, sources, sinks); I use this to compute infoflow.

You mean that flowdroid can tranfer taint variable data1 via assign stmt| call parameter | call return value instead of shared memory data1.

StevenArzt commented 2 months ago

There is no flow from data1 to flowdata1. Keep in mind that FlowDroid is flow-sensitive, i.e., the order of statements matters. data1 is derived from flowdata1, but not the other way around.

As I wrote, you should define the method that computes flowdata1 as your source and the flow will be found.

RabbitDong-on commented 2 months ago

Thanks! I will close this issue.