secure-software-engineering / FlowDroid

FlowDroid Static Data Flow Tracker
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Flowdroid detect source and sink methods but ignoring subsequent data flow tracking and doesn't detect confirmed leaks #756

Open marshalwahlexyz1 opened 3 weeks ago

marshalwahlexyz1 commented 3 weeks ago


I am using flowdroid for dataflow analysis, I am interested in points where contact, sms data are tainted in an app. I have manually confirmed that data was tainted in some methods and ends up in a network connection. I also confirmed dynamically using frida by hooking those methods and could see that data was been tainted.

However, using Android API's used to retrieve contact and sms as source and sink. Flowdroid identifies these sources and sink but doesn't detect a leak. Also it only detects a leak for URi.parse for SMS when I use a customwrapper.

below is my source and sink file

<android.content.ContentResolver: android.database.Cursor query(,java.lang.String[],java.lang.String,java.lang.String[],java.lang.String)> -> SOURCE <android.provider.ContactsContract$CommonDataKinds$Phone: CONTENT_URI> -> SOURCE <android.database.Cursor: java.lang.String getString(int)> -> SOURCE <android.database.Cursor: boolean moveToNext()> -> SOURCE <android.database.Cursor: void close()> -> SOURCE < parse(java.lang.String)> -> SOURCE

< java.lang.String getAttribute(java.lang.String)> -> SOURCE < java.lang.String encode(byte[])> -> SOURCE

<com.lzy.okgo.OkGo: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest post(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest upJson(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest execute()> -> SINK <okhttp3.OkHttpClient: okhttp3.Call newCall(okhttp3.Request)> -> SINK

< void connect()> -> SINK < getOutputStream()> -> SINK < openStream()> -> SINK < java.lang.Object getContent()> -> SINK < java.lang.Object getContent(java.lang.Class[])> -> SINK < void set(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)> -> SINK < void set(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)> -> SINK

<com.lzy.okgo.OkGo: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest post(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest upJson(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest execute()> -> SINK <okhttp3.OkHttpClient: okhttp3.Call newCall(okhttp3.Request)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest upJson(org.json.JSONObject)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest upString(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest upBytes(byte[])> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.OkGo: com.lzy.okgo.request.GetRequest get(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.GetRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.GetRequest execute()> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PutRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PutRequest upJson(org.json.JSONObject)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PutRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PutRequest upString(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PutRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PutRequest upBytes(byte[])> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.TraceRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.TraceRequest upJson(org.json.JSONObject)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.TraceRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.TraceRequest upString(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.TraceRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.TraceRequest upBytes(byte[])> -> SINK


< java.lang.String encode(byte[])> -> SOURCE <android.content.ContentResolver: android.database.Cursor query(,java.lang.String[],java.lang.String,java.lang.String[],java.lang.String)> -> SOURCE <android.database.Cursor: java.lang.String getString(int)> -> SOURCE < parse(java.lang.String)> -> SOURCE < java.lang.String getAttribute(java.lang.String)> -> SOURCE

<android.database.Cursor: boolean moveToNext()> -> PROPAGATION <com.glx.fenmiframe.getDuanXin.DuanXinUtils: void setData(java.util.List<com.glx.fenmiframe.getDuanXin.DuanXinUtils$SmslogBean>)> -> PROPAGATION <com.glx.fenmiframe.get_photo.PhotoManager: void setData(java.util.List)> -> PROPAGATION <java.util.List: boolean add(java.lang.Object)> -> PROPAGATION

<com.lzy.okgo.OkGo: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest post(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest upJson(java.lang.String)> -> SINK <com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest: com.lzy.okgo.request.PostRequest execute()> -> SINK <okhttp3.OkHttpClient: okhttp3.Call newCall(okhttp3.Request)> -> SINK <android.database.Cursor: void close()> -> SINK.

command and options used

java -Xmx16384m -jar "C:\Users\walea\Desktop\FlowDroid-develop\soot-infoflow-cmd\target\soot-infoflow-cmd-jar-with-dependencies.jar" -a "C:\Apktool\apk_files\easycash.apk" -p "C:\Users\walea\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platforms" -s "C:\Users\walea\Desktop\FlowDroid-develop\soot-infoflow-android\ss.txt" -t "C:\Users\walea\Desktop\FlowDroid-develop\soot-infoflow\cw.txt" -tw EASY -o easycash.xml -pr fast -ls -process-multiple-dex

Why is Flowdroid not able to detect leak when there is obviously a taint that ends up in a network connection.

marshalwahlexyz1 commented 3 weeks ago

This is the code where data is tainted.

package defpackage;

import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.provider.ContactsContract; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.glx.fenmiframe.get_phonebook.LianXiRenClass; import; import; import defpackage.zn; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject;

/ compiled from: / / renamed from: ji reason: default package / / loaded from: classes.dex / public class ji { public static final String[] K4 = {"display_name", "data1", "photo_id", "contact_id"}; public static ji oE; public ScheduledFuture<?> NC; public String zO; public final ScheduledExecutorService sd = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); public List h7 = new ArrayList();

/* compiled from: */
/* renamed from: ji$NC */
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public class NC extends zn.zO {
    public NC() {

    @Override // defpackage.zn.h7
    public void onSuccess(String str, String str2) {

/* compiled from: */
/* renamed from: ji$sd */
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public class sd implements Runnable {
    public final /* synthetic */ Context sd;

    public sd(Context context) { = context;

    @Override // java.lang.Runnable
    public void run() {
        ei.NC = true;
        if (oo.NC(, "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS")) {
            ji jiVar = ji.this;
            String sd =;
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sd)) {
      , "nodata");
            } else {
      , sd);
        }, "noauth");

public static ji NC() {
    if (oE == null) {
        synchronized (ji.class) {
            if (oE == null) {
                oE = new ji();
    return oE;

public void sd() {
    ScheduledFuture<?> scheduledFuture = this.NC;
    if (scheduledFuture != null) {
        ei.NC = false;

public List<LianXiRenClass> sd(Context context) {
    Cursor query;
    ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
    Cursor query2 = contentResolver.query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, K4, null, null, null);
    if (query2 != null) {
        while (query2.moveToNext()) {
            String string = query2.getString(1);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
                String string2 = query2.getString(0);
                String trim = string.trim();
                if (trim.length() >= 10) {
                    this.h7.add(new LianXiRenClass(string2, trim));
    if (oo.K4(context) && (query = contentResolver.query(Uri.parse("content://icc/adn"), K4, null, null, null)) != null) {
        while (query.moveToNext()) {
            String string3 = query.getString(1);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) {
                String string4 = query.getString(0);
                String trim2 = string3.trim();
                if (trim2.length() >= 10) {
                    this.h7.add(new LianXiRenClass(string4, trim2));
    return this.h7;

public void NC(Context context) {
    if (ei.NC) {
    this.NC = sd(context), 0L, mo.Xg(context), TimeUnit.MINUTES);

public String sd(List<LianXiRenClass> list) {
    JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
    JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        String mobile = list.get(i).getMobile();
        String name = list.get(i).getName();
        try {
            JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
            jSONObject2.put("mobile", mobile.replaceAll("-", "").replaceAll(CrashlyticsReportPersistence.PRIORITY_EVENT_SUFFIX, ""));
            jSONObject2.put("name", name);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String str = "for Error: " + e.toString();
    try {
        jSONObject.put("data", jSONArray);
    } catch (JSONException e2) {
        String str2 = "Map Error: " + e2.toString();
    this.zO = jSONObject.toString();
    String str3 = "通讯录获取内容: " + this.zO;
    return this.zO;

public void sd(Context context, String str) {
    HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
    hashMap.put("data", Base64Utils.encode(, "hXqnawTCDVFu40P4LVXF6YY5Fqfk1C7G".getBytes())));
    zn.oE oEVar = new zn.oE();
    oEVar.NC = hashMap; = context;
    oEVar.zO = ao.D;
    oEVar.pT = "上传通讯录记录";
    oEVar.h7 = new NC();


As you can see data is data in this method

public List sd(Context context) { Cursor query; ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver(); Cursor query2 = contentResolver.query(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, K4, null, null, null); if (query2 != null) { while (query2.moveToNext()) { String string = query2.getString(1); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) { String string2 = query2.getString(0); Long.valueOf(query2.getLong(3)); String trim = string.trim(); if (trim.length() >= 10) { this.h7.add(new LianXiRenClass(string2, trim)); } } } query2.close(); } if (oo.K4(context) && (query = contentResolver.query(Uri.parse("content://icc/adn"), K4, null, null, null)) != null) { while (query.moveToNext()) { String string3 = query.getString(1); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(string3)) { String string4 = query.getString(0); String trim2 = string3.trim(); if (trim2.length() >= 10) { this.h7.add(new LianXiRenClass(string4, trim2)); } } } query.close(); } return this.h7; }

marshalwahlexyz1 commented 2 weeks ago

@t1mlange @StevenArzt Please your insight and comment on this would be highly appreciated.

marshalwahlexyz1 commented 1 week ago

@t1mlange @StevenArzt Please your insight and comment on this would be highly appreciated.