secure-software-engineering / phasar

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Is the latest version 0323 or 1222? #634

Closed yurivict closed 8 months ago

yurivict commented 1 year ago

1222 was tagged earlier, but 0323 is numerically lower.

MMory commented 1 year ago

I see the confusion. The version format has been MMYY. If we change it it becomes inconsistent with the past tags. Not sure what the best option is. Assumed default date formats are diverse around the globe. To make it sortable I agree YYMM would be better. Hmm. At least from the releases in Github it should become clear what is recent.

yurivict commented 1 year ago

Automated version discovery systems look at tags and get confused.

MMory commented 1 year ago

Replacing the existing tags with ones in format YYMM might break things for other people I'm afraid. Is there a way to tell your version discovery systems to use additionally added tags in YYMM format instead of the old ones?

yurivict commented 1 year ago

To change this for just one port would be unjustified. Also each distro has their own version discovery system.

MMory commented 1 year ago

Still the question is how we could convince your version discovery system @yurivict or what else we could do to resolve this issue to your satisfaction. It's not like adding a bunch of tags would be a huge pile of work :)

yurivict commented 1 year ago

You can change the versioning system to YYYY.MM.DD, for example. This system is used by many projects and it also complies to the semantic versioning standard. There is no need to change old tags, just make a change beginning from new tags.