Soot-based taint analysis with internal Java fluent interface for security specifications in fluentTQL implemented with MagpieBridge to support multiple IDEs.
I'm trying to make some experiments with this tool but when I try to write the specifications the following problem appears (with the pom):
"Could not find artifact de.fraunhofer.iem.secucheck:de.fraunhofer.iem.secucheck.InternalFluentTQL:jar:SC-1.1.0 in central ("
I tried also with the demo from catalog but the same problem occurred
I'm trying to make some experiments with this tool but when I try to write the specifications the following problem appears (with the pom):
"Could not find artifact de.fraunhofer.iem.secucheck:de.fraunhofer.iem.secucheck.InternalFluentTQL:jar:SC-1.1.0 in central ("
I tried also with the demo from catalog but the same problem occurred