securing / IOSSecuritySuite

iOS platform security & anti-tampering Swift library
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Jailbreak verification gets stuck on checkFork() #109

Closed joaosabino98 closed 4 months ago

joaosabino98 commented 5 months ago

Hello everyone! I'm using ISS to prevent jailbroken users from accessing my app. As such, I do a check before launching telemetry, fetching data from Remote Config, and presenting View Controllers. However, the app seldom gets stuck before presenting the first VC (login screen). If I stop the execution in Xcode, after an arbitrary amount of seconds, I see this:

Untitled 26

I'm running the app on an iPhone 8 Plus with iOS 16.1.1, but I've seen the same behavior in newer devices with iOS 17 as well. It also happens without the debugger attached. Any ideas about possible fixes to ISS, or workarounds for my app?

Thanks in advance.

r3ggi commented 4 months ago

sorry, I can't reproduce that.

opa334 commented 4 months ago

If it makes you feel any better, jailbreaks have not let apps call fork() for at least the past 6 years or so...

iCrazeiOS commented 4 months ago

If it makes you feel any better, jailbreaks have not let apps call fork() for at least the past 6 years or so...

Come on man, let them have their false sense of security ☹️