securing / IOSSecuritySuite

iOS platform security & anti-tampering Swift library
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Rename main class from `IOSSecuritySuite` to `SecuritySuiteiOS` #91

Closed DevAgani closed 1 year ago

DevAgani commented 1 year ago

Fixes : #90

Proposal, rename the IOSSecuritySuite to SecuritySuiteiOS to ensure that the library name doesn't clash with the Main class. This is an extreme approach, but has benefits

So instead of

if IOSSecuritySuite.amIJailbroken() {
    print("This device is jailbroken")
} else {
    print("This device is not jailbroken")


if SecuritySuiteiOS.amIJailbroken() {
    print("This device is jailbroken")
} else {
    print("This device is not jailbroken")

On the extreme end, this will be a breaking change, so it means this needs to be handled with extreme care.

r3ggi commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I'm not going to change this library name because of a Swift compiler bug that's already being fixed and rarely happens.