Open daviyang35 opened 3 years ago
Detail the problem here, including any possible solutions.
When using the React test library to test the acceptance value rendering of the framework, the unexpected string value is correctly read from it.
The following code can repeat the problem
import React from "react"; import {render, screen} from "@testing-library/react"; import AceEditor from "react-ace"; describe("edit component", function () { it("render CodeBlock", () => { const {container} = render(<AceEditor value={"aaa"}/>); // first assert expect(container.querySelector("#ace-editor")).toBeInTheDocument(); // second assert expect(screen.getByText("aaa")).toBeInTheDocument(); }); });
The first assert is passed. The second assert is broken.
expect the second assert passed too.
{ "dependencies": { "@ant-design/icons": "^4.7.0", "ace-builds": "^1.4.13", "antd": "^4.16.13", "axios": "^0.22.0", "classnames": "^2.3.1", "copy-to-clipboard": "^3.3.1", "qs": "^6.10.1", "react": "^17.0.2", "react-ace": "^9.5.0", "react-dom": "^17.0.2", "react-router-dom": "^5.2.0", "react-scripts": "4.0.3", "web-vitals": "^1.0.1" }, "devDependencies": { "@testing-library/cypress": "^8.0.1", "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.14.1", "@testing-library/react": "^12.1.2", "@testing-library/user-event": "^13.2.1", "@types/classnames": "^2.3.1", "@types/jest": "^27.0.2", "@types/node": "^16.10.3", "@types/qs": "^6.9.7", "@types/react": "^17.0.27", "@types/react-dom": "^17.0.9", "@types/react-router-dom": "^5.3.1", "babel-plugin-import": "^1.13.3", "cross-env": "^7.0.3", "customize-cra": "^1.0.0", "cypress": "9.0.0", "eslint-plugin-cypress": "^2.12.1", "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.3.0", "less": "^4.1.2", "less-loader": "^7.3.0", "react-app-rewired": "^2.1.8", "ts-jest": "^27.0.7", "typescript": "^4.4.3" } }
The debug output
<body> <div> <div class=" ace_editor ace_hidpi ace-tm" id="ace-editor" style="width: 500px; height: 500px; font-size: 12px;" > <textarea autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" class="ace_text-input" spellcheck="false" style="opacity: 0; font-size: 1px;" wrap="off" /> <div aria-hidden="true" class="ace_gutter" > <div class="ace_layer ace_gutter-layer ace_folding-enabled" style="height: 1000000px;" /> </div> <div class="ace_scroller" style="line-height: 0px;" > <div class="ace_content" > <div class="ace_layer ace_print-margin-layer" > <div class="ace_print-margin" style="left: 4px; visibility: visible;" /> </div> <div class="ace_layer ace_marker-layer" /> <div class="ace_layer ace_text-layer" style="height: 1000000px; margin: 0px 4px;" /> <div class="ace_layer ace_marker-layer" /> <div class="ace_layer ace_cursor-layer ace_hidden-cursors" > <div class="ace_cursor" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ace_scrollbar ace_scrollbar-v" style="display: none; width: 20px;" > <div class="ace_scrollbar-inner" style="width: 20px;" > </div> </div> <div class="ace_scrollbar ace_scrollbar-h" style="display: none; height: 20px;" > <div class="ace_scrollbar-inner" style="height: 20px;" > </div> </div> <div style="height: auto; width: auto; top: 0px; left: 0px; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; white-space: pre; overflow: hidden;" > <div style="height: auto; width: auto; top: 0px; left: 0px; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; white-space: pre; overflow: visible;" /> <div style="height: auto; width: auto; top: 0px; left: 0px; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; white-space: pre; overflow: visible;" > XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX </div> </div> </div> </div> </body>
I also have the same issue
The same issue. Any updates? Workarounds?
Detail the problem here, including any possible solutions.
When using the React test library to test the acceptance value rendering of the framework, the unexpected string value is correctly read from it.
The following code can repeat the problem
The first assert is passed. The second assert is broken.
expect the second assert passed too.
The debug output