secw01f / webrecon

WebRecon is a tool for conducting basic reconnaissance against websites.
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BuildScript\Requirments #1

Closed CoolHandSquid closed 4 years ago

CoolHandSquid commented 4 years ago

Your tool appears to be a neat go-to, but the amount of building needed to use it is excessive. Would you consider making a build script so it would function on a 2020 Kali box? Feel free to message me on if you would like to collaborate.

secw01f commented 4 years ago

Hi @CoolHandSquid,

Thanks for your feedback! I apologize for the delayed response but I have added a quick setup script to the repository and updated the install instructions.

Let me know if you have any issues and I can make any changes that are needed and can reopen the issue.


CoolHandSquid commented 4 years ago

Secwolf Does not install properly on kali 2020.

secw01f commented 4 years ago

I pushed a new script that I have confirmed works on Kali 2020.

Thanks for you patience!