Open TealerLinkGuo opened 4 months ago
Hello, First off, you are not padding the message. As stated in the README:
Note that the core does **NOT** implement padding of final block. The caller is expected to handle padding."
The sha256 tool you use to verify adds a second complete padding block. See the NIST SHA256 specification on padding. In your case the padding block should be:
Secondly I can't replicate the results you get. I suggest that you look at the tb_sha256_core.v testbench. If I modify the sha256_core_test task double block test like this:
// TC2: Double block message.
tc2_1 = 512'h10a548fa958c10d2d11435456176bc6a555cb3f463a8bd23a7bb29283781f2a71123c60c6ef0923a2ec4c9f75e0e0f9042509594865b46691f962c4dd4642c28;
res2_1 = 256'h60944998deef165a47f60568c95c5f987fc63dd70361564fa7219be824484884;
tc2_2 = 512'h80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000200;
res2_2 = 256'h1b20aa312f1c48723c3e0e17396b01b03926267cacd7d50221379be90ef24ced;
double_block_test(2, tc2_1, res2_1, tc2_2, res2_2);
The test goes through, i.e. it matches the expected behavior.
There probably will be a new top level module that adds padding. But it isn't done yet.
Padding is easy for a CPU to do while the final message block is being processed, but somewhat cumbersome in HW to do.
And your issue makes me realize that the README isn't very helpful unless you actually knows hos the SHA-256 hash function works. I will update the documentation.
hello sir, I am trying to directly test sha256_core.v without using sha256.v as the top-level module. I have written a testbench for it, but when I input the hexadecimal block value, I did not get the expected hash value output.
Here is my input block data
Here is the correct hash value of input block calculated by the online sha256 tool
Here is the online tool website I use to verify sha256 hash values
This is the output digest value I obtained when running testbench
This is clearly inconsistent with expectationsHere is my testbench