sedwards2009 / extraterm

The swiss army chainsaw of terminal emulators
MIT License
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Scripting Extraterm from the command line #132

Open lou-bi opened 5 years ago

lou-bi commented 5 years ago

Is the ability to launch one|multiple script(s) in a Guake style way on the roadmap ? To be precise, in guake we can launch in a bash script the following:

guake --rename-tab="home" &
sleep 3
guake --new-tab=2 --rename-tab="projects" --execute-command="cd ~/projects"

Or in gnome-terminal ( the hard way ):

gnome-terminal --tab -e "tail -f somefile" --tab -e "some_other_command"

Is this feature in the roadmap ?

Thanks for Extraterm !!

sedwards2009 commented 5 years ago

This isn't directly on the roadmap yet, but I was planning to add a "Open terminal here" type integration for desktop file managers, and that would require this kind of functionality to be implemented. Inside Extraterm there is infrastructure for 'commands' already. That is how the Command Palette and keybindings work. Also I've ways expected to add internal scripting at some stage.

So, yes, this is a feature which makes sense in Extraterm. thanks.

elijahgagne commented 5 years ago

If Extraterm gets this feature, I think it would be huge for SysAdmin/Ops-type people. It's the killer feature that only ConEmu seems to currently have on Windows right now. I use it to build functions that connect to servers/databases/apis. It's great to drop a list of a dozen servers and quickly get 12 tabs with SSH connections.

QiangF commented 4 years ago

This is useful for emacs also:

  1. extraterm can be open in the default directory of current buffer
  2. if you have several tabs open, you can tag tabs by purpose, and set key binding in the window manager to pop up the specific tab, eg. one tab can be tagged as a scratch terminal to run ad hoc command, another tab tagged for a specific project.
mvmn commented 4 years ago

There is a clear need to implement scripting in order to be able to build tool(s) similar to iTerm2-specific itermocil - the one that uses teamocil configs to setup iTerm2 native tabs/panes.

There is a clear need for such a tool for Extraterm - otherwise it makes no sense to support native mouse-draggable split-screen panels but use tmux.