seebk / LaTeXText

Inkscape extension to render text as Latex
GNU General Public License v3.0
140 stars 19 forks source link

A little problem #9

Closed CarImp64 closed 6 years ago

CarImp64 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm Carlo from Italy. I'm a teacher. I try to execute the LaTexText addon but Inkscape's dialog window reports an error: Command "pdflatex c:\users\carlo\appdata\local\temp\tmpz5j9o5\tmp.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error" > failed: [Error 2] Impossibile trovare il file specificato

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 150, in on_btnApply_clicked self.run_callback() File "", line 465, in run rendergroup = lat2svg.render(latex_string, self.options.preamble, self.options.fontsize, self.options.scale) File "", line 569, in render raise RuntimeError() RuntimeError

Impossibile trovare il file specificato -> The specified file could not be found

I use Inkscape 0.9.3 and I've installed LaTexText with LaTexText-0.1.1_win64.exe file My o.s. is win10 64bit. The 4 files are located correctly (C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions). Do you have any suggestions for me?

seebk commented 6 years ago

It looks like it does not find the pdflatex command. Have you installed Miktex?

CarImp64 commented 6 years ago

Miktex? No. I'll install it soon and try again. Thank you!!

CarImp64 commented 6 years ago

I thought that miktex was included in the installation file. Sorry. I'll try soon.

CarImp64 commented 6 years ago

Hi. I've installed miktek basic. I try to render two expression

$v{e(t)} =L{e}\frac{di{e(t)} }{dt} +R{e} i_{e(t)}$ and $\alfa + \beta +\gamma = 180^\circ$

the first is correct rendering, the second generate an error this is the log:

Using a previous render layer... 2 text nodes were found. ID: text817 $v{e(t)} =L{e}\frac{di{e(t)} }{dt} +R{e} i_{e(t)}$

[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 401.475, 412.472] [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] matrix(0.352778,0.000000,0.000000,0.352778,47.625000,95.160713) ID: text833 $\alfa +\beta +\gamma = 180^\circ$

Command "pdflatex c:\users\carlo\appdata\local\temp\tmp08fazx\tmp.tex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error" failed (code 1):

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (MiKTeX 2.9.6630 64-bit)

entering extended mode


LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>

Babel <3.18> and hyphenation patterns for 75 language(s) loaded.

("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\article.cls"

Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class

("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\size10.clo"))

("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\geometry\geometry.sty"

("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\graphics\keyval.sty")

("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\oberdiek\ifpdf.sty")

("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\oberdiek\ifvtex.sty")

("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\generic\ifxetex\ifxetex.sty")

("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\geometry\geometry.cfg"))

No file tmp.aux.

geometry driver: auto-detecting

geometry detected driver: pdftex

! Undefined control sequence.

\alfa l.11 $\alfa +\beta +\gamma = 180^\circ$ ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! Transcript written on tmp.log. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 150, in on_btnApply_clicked self.run_callback() File "", line 465, in run rendergroup = lat2svg.render(latex_string, self.options.preamble, self.options.fontsize, self.options.scale) File "", line 569, in render raise RuntimeError() RuntimeError but if I use \delta instead of \alfa the rendering is perfec. Creating a new render layer... 2 text nodes were found. ID: text817 $v_{e(t)} =L_{e}\frac{di_{e(t)} }{dt} +R_{e} i_{e(t)}$ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 401.475, 412.472] [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] matrix(0.352778,0.000000,0.000000,0.352778,47.625000,95.160713) ID: text833 $\delta +\beta +\gamma = 180^\circ$ matrix(0.352778,0.000000,0.000000,0.352778,43.278275,128.422620) I think everything works very well! Thanks for your help!
seebk commented 6 years ago

On 31.03.2018 13:13, CarImp64 wrote:

Hi. I've installed miktek basic. I try to render two expression

$v{e(t)} =L{e}\frac{di{e(t)} }{dt} +R{e} i_{e(t)}$ and $\alfa + \beta +\gamma = 180^\circ$

I think you want to use \alpha ;)

CarImp64 commented 6 years ago