seedhartha / reone

Game engine capable of running KotOR and TSL
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Write feats in NSS #43

Open lachjames opened 2 years ago

lachjames commented 2 years ago

Hi :)

One of the most limiting modding constraints in KotOR/TSL is that feats are hard-coded. It’d be cool if Reone supported a more modular, NSS-based feat system. Most feats are simple modifiers to rolls, so feats could also be defined in something like YAML?

lachjames commented 2 years ago

It seems to me that making such a design decision early on could make implementation of feats easier too?

seedhartha commented 2 years ago

Hey! Long time no see. Custom feat system is definitely a post-1.0 thing, but I will try making feats less hard-coded and extendable as I do them.

As for the format, I'd prefer 2DA, GFF and NCS to any custom format, given they're all supported by reone-tools.

lachjames commented 2 years ago

Hey, good to see you too!

I agree that this is not on the critical path for reone 1.0, but just thought I'd raise it as it might inform design decisions which are made before the release of 1.0.

I'm really enjoying watching Reone come along, I'm saving my next KotOR run for 1.0 (no pressure intended haha, I'm willing to wait!)