seedvault-app / seedvault

A backup application for the Android Open Source Project.
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Backup does not work for most apps #684

Open DDvO opened 2 weeks ago

DDvO commented 2 weeks ago

When trying to backup all my apps and data, only around 25% of them (e.g., 21 of 97) allegedly got backed up correctly when Seedvault claimed "Backup finished". For most of the others, in the backup status an orange warning symbol is shown and the text "Waiting to back up.." and for few remaining ones a red failure symbol is shown without text.

This appears to indicate that SeedVault is of rather little use. I cannot even confirm that successful backup of the 25% actually worked fine, due to #682. Certainly for some apps the backup is incomplete - for instance, for the Signal and Photos apps success and a backup data size of 20 kB is reported, which is way too little!

Update: Part of the issue could be that when storage space runs out, the backup process wrongly claims "finished".

grote commented 2 weeks ago

What version of Seedvault are you running? Based on your description, it sounds outdated. Also, can you post the logcat export of the backup process?

DDvO commented 1 week ago

Thanks for your quick reaction. I used whatever comes with the latest LineageOS 21.0, which is version 14-4.0, for both backup and restore attempts. Here is the log file created by Seedvault, which BTW contains lots of needless clutter: seedvault-14-4.0-1718572684450.txt

grote commented 1 week ago

Do you have package names of some apps that are in "Waiting to back up.." still and could you also grab a log right after kicking off manual backup?

DDvO commented 1 week ago

So version 14-4.0 should be good enough? BTW, where to find which is the most recent version and changelog?

The list of the apps "Waiting to back up..". include, e.g., Aptoide, Charge Control, Contacts Storage, DB Navigator, Element, Evernote, F-Droid, K-9 Mail, Komoot,, Messaging, Nova Launcher, Opera, Termux, TitaniumBackup, Windy, etc. Anyway, they should be part of the log, along with their status.

I just deleted the backup on my source system and re-did it, resulting in this log seedvault-14-4.0-1718742954246.txt Weirdly, Seedvault did another backup automatically two minutes later, resulting in seedvault-14-4.0-1718743139682.txt

BTW, the logs contain the worrying line:

06-18 22:21:21.729 13022 13022 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.AssertionError:$WordCountException: Error: 13 is an invalid word count.

I found in the below logs a couple of lines containing KeyValueBackupTask: Starting full backups for: with a list of app package names for which backup was attempted, with varying list sizes.

For instance for the Windy app, the log lines containing the package name no.nrk.yr are:

06-18 22:34:46.099  1376 18884 D KeyValueBackupTask: Starting full backups for: [, lineageos.platform.auto_generated_rro_product__, lineageos.platform.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, mattecarra.accapp, me.bluemail.mail, no.nrk.yr, org.calyxos.backup.contacts,, org.fdroid.fdroid,, org.lineageos.aperture, org.lineageos.aperture.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.lineageos.aperture.frameworksbaseoverlay, org.lineageos.backgrounds, org.lineageos.eleven, org.lineageos.etar, org.lineageos.glimpse, org.lineageos.glimpse.frameworksbaseoverlay, org.lineageos.jelly, org.lineageos.lineageparts.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.lineageparts.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.lineageos.lineagesettings.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.overlay.customization.blacktheme, org.lineageos.overlay.customization.navbar.nohint, org.lineageos.overlay.font.lato, org.lineageos.overlay.font.rubik, org.lineageos.recorder, org.lineageos.settings.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.lineageos.setupwizard.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.setupwizard.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.lineageos.updater.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.updater.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.peakfinder.area.alps, org.protonaosp.deviceconfig.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.protonaosp.deviceconfig.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, stericson.busybox,,]
06-18 22:34:52.981  1376 19079 I PFTBT   : Initiating full-data transport backup of no.nrk.yr token: 1844764875
06-18 22:34:52.990  1376 19240 D BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{327caee no.nrk.yr}
06-18 22:34:53.013  1376  1623 I ActivityManager: Start proc 19241:no.nrk.yr/u0a297 for backup {android/FullBackupAgent}
06-18 22:34:53.075  1376  3925 D BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] agentConnected pkg=no.nrk.yr agent=android.os.BinderProxy@54eb076
06-18 22:34:53.136  1376 19261 D BackupManagerService: Calling doFullBackup() on no.nrk.yr
06-18 22:34:53.746  1376  3925 I ActivityManager: Process no.nrk.yr (pid 19241) has died: bkup TRNB
06-18 22:34:53.783  1376 19079 I PFTBT   : Unbinding agent in no.nrk.yr
06-18 22:36:15.726  1376 20346 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration not found for packageName: no.nrk.yr and userId: 0
06-18 22:36:16.031  1376 20346 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration not found for packageName: no.nrk.yr and userId: 0
06-18 22:37:59.180  1376 25615 D KeyValueBackupTask: Starting full backups for: [, lineageos.platform.auto_generated_rro_product__, lineageos.platform.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, mattecarra.accapp, me.bluemail.mail, no.nrk.yr, org.calyxos.backup.contacts,, org.fdroid.fdroid,, org.lineageos.aperture, org.lineageos.aperture.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.lineageos.aperture.frameworksbaseoverlay, org.lineageos.backgrounds, org.lineageos.eleven, org.lineageos.etar, org.lineageos.glimpse, org.lineageos.glimpse.frameworksbaseoverlay, org.lineageos.jelly, org.lineageos.lineageparts.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.lineageparts.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.lineageos.lineagesettings.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.overlay.customization.blacktheme, org.lineageos.overlay.customization.navbar.nohint, org.lineageos.overlay.font.lato, org.lineageos.overlay.font.rubik, org.lineageos.recorder, org.lineageos.settings.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.settings.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.lineageos.setupwizard.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.setupwizard.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.lineageos.updater.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.lineageos.updater.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, org.peakfinder.area.alps, org.protonaosp.deviceconfig.auto_generated_rro_product__, org.protonaosp.deviceconfig.auto_generated_rro_vendor__, stericson.busybox,,]
06-18 22:38:04.965  1376 25835 I PFTBT   : Initiating full-data transport backup of no.nrk.yr token: 1275903637
06-18 22:38:04.968 15191 18465 I FullBackup: Perform full backup for no.nrk.yr.
06-18 22:38:04.971 15191 18465 D ApkBackup: Package no.nrk.yr with version 1100008042 already has a backup (1100008042) with the same signature. Not backing it up.
06-18 22:38:04.971 15191 18465 I BackupCoordinator: Get backup quota for no.nrk.yr. Is full backup: true.
06-18 22:38:04.978  1376 25965 D BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] awaiting agent for ApplicationInfo{f782224 no.nrk.yr}
06-18 22:38:04.995  1376  1623 I ActivityManager: Start proc 25966:no.nrk.yr/u0a297 for backup {android/FullBackupAgent}
06-18 22:38:05.047  1376  3889 D BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] agentConnected pkg=no.nrk.yr agent=android.os.BinderProxy@5f317fd
06-18 22:38:05.074  1376 25990 I file_backup_helper:    Name: apps/no.nrk.yr/_manifest
06-18 22:38:05.074  1376 25990 D BackupManagerService: Calling doFullBackup() on no.nrk.yr
06-18 22:38:05.075 15191 18465 D FullBackup: Initializing OutputStream for no.nrk.yr.
06-18 22:38:05.566 15191 18465 I BackupNotificationManager: 262/354 - 74% - Yr (no.nrk.yr)
06-18 22:38:05.818 15191 18465 I FullBackup: Finish full backup of no.nrk.yr. Wrote 1708032 bytes
06-18 22:38:05.871  1376  3889 I ActivityManager: Process no.nrk.yr (pid 25966) has died: bkup TRNB
06-18 22:38:05.915 15191 18465 I NotificationBackupObserver: Completed. Target: no.nrk.yr, status: 0
06-18 22:38:05.915  1376 25835 I PFTBT   : Unbinding agent in no.nrk.yr
06-18 22:38:11.756 15191 19120 I NotificationBackupObserver: Showing progress notification for no.nrk.yr 262/354
06-18 22:38:18.063 15191 15201 W oltys.seedvault: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qgqlHFHzDhE8eaOGh8X1Jw==/no.nrk.yr--TrjaVj6kpTjH_YttzzyJg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
06-18 22:38:18.063 15191 15201 W oltys.seedvault: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qgqlHFHzDhE8eaOGh8X1Jw==/no.nrk.yr--TrjaVj6kpTjH_YttzzyJg==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
06-18 22:38:18.063 15191 15201 W oltys.seedvault: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qgqlHFHzDhE8eaOGh8X1Jw==/no.nrk.yr--TrjaVj6kpTjH_YttzzyJg==/split_config.xxhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references

which appears to indicate that the backup succeeded, though the app is still listed as "Waiting to back up...".

grote commented 1 week ago

It looks like the no.nrk.yr app was backed up successfully indeed and 1708032 bytes written. Unfortunately, there's no hint in the log why the backup status of the app wasn't updated. It looks like this app should be called Yr. Can you post a screenshot of this app's backup status?

DDvO commented 1 week ago

As can be seen also here, user-level debugging of Seedvault is a pain in the ass, already because its diagnostics is a mess. You should really add to-the-point status/error reporting and logging.

Right, the user-facing name of the no.nrk.yr app is Yr. I just re-did the backup. This time, the backup status of Yr is success (1.8 MB). Yet for most other apps, as before, "Waiting to back up..." is shown (as usual, without further info). And again for a couple of apps failure is reported (as usual, without further info to the user).

grote commented 1 week ago

You should really add to-the-point status/error reporting and logging.

We really should? Could you dial down your entitlement please? Also you might want to read one of the many articles on the subject. Here's random onea I fished out of the internet: I can't really find the paycheck from or SLA with Siemens :shrug:

This time, the backup status of Yr is success (1.8 MB).

Ok all good then.

Yet for most other apps, as before, "Waiting to back up..." is shown (as usual, without further info).

Could this be related to you running out of space on your backup destination? See

If not, I need a screenshot of the backup status screen showing those apps and a complete log from the latest backup run where those apps did not get backed up.

julianfoad commented 5 days ago

Let's try to move forward by clarifying what's needed for a "solution" to this issue. I had the same experience and frustration.

The overall problem seems to be: It claims it finished, but the status list looks terrible: only 25% success, 75% failures. "This appears to indicate that SeedVault is of rather little use."

In reality this seems to be a mixture of real problems and perception.

Part of the problem comes from the various exclusion criteria, such as:

Part of the problem comes from the way the overall result status is presented, both in summary and in the status list. The individual statuses in the list can be understood in these different categories:

A solution might include:

Does that make sense, and fit with the overall context?