seedwing-io / seedwing-policy

A functional type system for policy inspection, audit and enforcement.
Apache License 2.0
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A function that transform SLSA provenance + pattern into a SLSA verification summary #153

Open lulf opened 1 year ago

lulf commented 1 year ago



The verify function takes a Provenance predicate, and performs a verification, producing a Verification Attestation Summary as described here.

Guidance on SLSA levels

The intended use is that consumers can create policies that enforce SLSA level 0-4 for their artifacts.

lulf commented 1 year ago

Notes to self: I originally thought this verification function would be passed the provenance document in order to create the verification document.

Instead, the the input to the verify function could be as simple as a name and a sha256 digest, and rely produce the summary based on that.