seeebek / EliteOCR

OCR tool for market screenshots in Elite: Dangerous
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When modifying data the "Add and next" button has to be pressed twice #6

Closed codersparks closed 9 years ago

codersparks commented 9 years ago

I have found when using EliteOCR there appears to be an issue when pressing the "Add and next" button after correcting an incorrect figure/adding a missing one

This image shows the data missing from the the OCR data:


The next image shows that I have entered the missing data (the demand quantity) and pressed the "Add and next" button, the data has been added to the table but the blue rectangle is still on the same commodity (FISH) - (and yes I missed that I needed to check the sell price :) )


The final image shows the second press where the blue rectangle has now moved onto the next commodity (FOOD CARTRIDGES)


This happens whenever I need to modify or input new figures and the value does not appear in the drop down list (if it does the problem is not present and the program moves onto the next line)

Obviously not a high priority bug, but just thought I would make you aware - If I get a chance (and can understand the code) I will try and see if I can resolve it myself



seeebek commented 9 years ago

Part of the problem is your callibration (long numbers not appearing). But I still have to investigate the one with not continuing,

codersparks commented 9 years ago

Just to confirm I have tested with your latest release and the problem of not continuing is still there.

Is there anyway I can improve the callibration for the long numbers?

seeebek commented 9 years ago

Could you provide me one of your screenshots which has the problem? I would like to test it on my PC.

codersparks commented 9 years ago

Can't post it here as github does not accept bmp filetypes, it can be accessed via:

seeebek commented 9 years ago

I don't have any problems with this screenshot... 0 I really recommend you try to do the calibration properly. I don't see any reason why it should work on my system and not on yours.

codersparks commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the delay getting back to you, I have been really busy.

I had completed the calibration before, but obviously was not close enough, but it has now recognized the figures, thanks for looking into it :)

Even though we have found that my calibration was to blame for not picking up the missing figures, it still does not resolve the fact that if you need to manually enter a figure you still need to press the "Add and next" button twice to progress (its just even lower priority but still a bug)

seeebek commented 9 years ago

Since we have now the auto-calibration I think this problem doesn't matter anymore. I will close it. In case I'm wrong, please report the issue again.