seemoo-lab / internalblue

Bluetooth experimentation framework for Broadcom and Cypress chips.
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Receives "socket.timeout: timed out" #54

Closed delmarocks closed 3 years ago

delmarocks commented 3 years ago

I'm currently facing an issue when connecting my rooted nexus 5 on raspberry pi 4 and running the internalblue I already push the patched file via adb and still this error persist I can't figured out what's really the issue here. Thanks in advance.

jiska2342 commented 3 years ago


socket timeout in this context could mean various things. Either something is wrong with your adb setup or something is wrong with the Bluetooth module on Android. You should be able to adb shell into your Android, run su and see open ports, including those by the Bluetooth module with netstat. InternalBlue tries to forward these ports and access them. In general, this should even work as a regular user on your Raspberry Pi, as long as the user can access adb.

jiska2342 commented 3 years ago

I just tried it with the most current version of InternalBlue while running on a Debian host. Output should look like this:

[*] No connected HCI device found
[*] Found multiple adb devices
[*] Connected to 0afb120602b358e7
[*] Chip identifier: 0x6109 (003.001.009)
[*] Using
[*] Loaded firmware information for BCM4335C0.
[*] Try to enable debugging on H4 (warning if not supported)...
[*] Starting commandLoop for self.internalblue <internalblue.adbcore.ADBCore object at 0x7fe8e1780cd0>
   ____     __                    _____  __ 
  /  _/__  / /____ _______  ___ _/ / _ )/ /_ _____
 _/ // _ \/ __/ -_) __/ _ \/ _ `/ / _  / / // / -_)
/___/_//_/\__/\__/_/ /_//_/\_,_/_/____/_/\_,_/\__/

type <help -v> for usage information!

Note that I had to turn off Bluetooth in the settings and then turn it on again, happens from time to time.

Ports should include the following:

hammerhead:/ # netstat -t                                                      
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0 localhost:8872          localhost:42082         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:8873          localhost:58316         ESTABLISHED

Most likely, the pre-compiled Bluetooth module and your Android version don't match.

delmarocks commented 3 years ago

@jiska2342 Thankyou for pointing out. I'll try to follow what you've said.

delmarocks commented 3 years ago

@jiska2342 It did work. Thankyou😊😊😊