seesser / Mod_PWM

modded GPIOPWM actor with logic
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The setting "Percent of power increase per 1/10 sec" - should that say power reduction? #1

Open rkhanso opened 6 years ago

rkhanso commented 6 years ago

I just installed this add-on for Craftbeerpi. It seems to be working awesome and helping me keep steady temps without overshooting.

Either I don't understand the add-on fully or maybe there is a mistake. In the kettle settings, there is a box "Percent of power increase per 1/10 sec" but shouldn't that say power decrease if we're ramping DOWN the power as we get closer to the set temperature?

Or, am I mistaken and this is the speed that when you turn the app on "Auto" that the power of the element raises to 100%? If so, why do we need to ramp UP the power. Couldn't that go up to 100% immediately? Don't we care more about ramping the power down gradually so we don't over-shoot the set temp?

Or, is the 'ramp down' effect as we're coming up on the set temperature only adjustable by the percent of power we give the heat element? So if we're overshooting by 2 degrees at 50% power, we have to lower it to 25% and see how much the overshoot is? And keep adjusting only the power percentage to eliminate overshoot?

I use a PID controller for a charcoal grill - called Heatermeter. It ramps up and down the speed of a fan and servo/damper around a set temperature. I was expecting PID controlling on Craftbeerpi to work the same, which is likely my mistake.