seffers122 / Kitsune-Mod-Suggestions

I'm going to be making a mod based around Kitsunes (fox spirits) and would like some suggestions on what to add, please put your name and what you think could make this mod a full and enjoyable mod that could go on genesis!
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What you can contribute to the mod! and accepted suggestions! #1

Open seffers122 opened 9 years ago

seffers122 commented 9 years ago

Please put your IGN and what you would suggest i add to the mod :3 Auric: Somehow be able to have tail baubles, Also, maybe have some way to smack things that are behind you with tails? Advance system based on growing more tails as you progress and gain more knowledge(two different progressions? Enlightened fox tails and Corrupted advancing through Kami and Oni respectively?. Symbolic fox magic formed by the tails (by drawing glyphs in the air?). Transform into a fox. Kami: Kuniinotokotachi(Primordial god), Toyokumono(Heaven?) Uhijini & Suhijini(mud and sand), Tsunoguhi & Ikuguhi(Beasts and Plants), Ohotonoji & Ohotonobe(Sexuality), Omodaru & Ayakashikone(Completeness of the earth), Izanami & Izanagi( Creator of the islands of japan, other kami, and humans, most powerful kami)

Japanese foods? Madriker wants something to flatten land. [Lolis for tanner?]

seffers122 commented 9 years ago

Steph: hello? Gray: hai Give me a min Steph: mmkay Gray: Soo I really like the idea of Like have you seen things in games and such that like Ok Wait Have you played skyrim Steph: um kinda not my favorite Gray: If you made your mod like this But you were a fox and did foxy minecraft things Steph: the progression? i have that mentioned on the page Gray: Yeha but You need to make it soo that 1 its balanced and 2 its useful I'm really into game design Soo I can help you alot. But anyway Steph: I've been asking to see if anyone has any suggestions, that's why this page is there Gray: the reason why a lot of people dont get into magic mods is because they arent too useful Yeah I know Just listen for a sec Steph: mmkay Gray: If you can make your mod stand out and be useful People will like it and if you can get it into Xaes pack Thats alot more advertixzing than you can pay for lol Steph: yeah Gray: I really like where its goign, I dont really understand the entire japaneese gods thing Steph: what aspect? Gray: But if you make a mod with clear progression... maybe not in book form Kami and down I dont know the gods at al _alll Steph: that's a list of the seven generations of kami Gray: and dont really clearly see howthey play into the mod. Steph: ok would you like me to explain? Gray: Yes please. Steph: So a kitsune gets more tails as they gain knowledge and age according to lore Gray: Thats cool af Steph: since age isn't really a thing in minecraft i went for knowledge Gray: Cool soo like Steph: and the more tails a kitsune has the more powerful it is Gray: Your number of tails is your lvl? Steph: basically Gray: Basicaly. O ok good. That seems really orginal I like it. Although MC rendering isnt going to like 400 tails lol Steph: no no no only up to 9 tails that's the max Gray: I was gonna go to 10 but 9 works. Steph: no matter what you look at the most powerful kitsune has 9 it's lore Gray: Ah Good. Steph: I'm trying to stay VERY close to japanese mythology Gray: Do they grow in stages Steph: As in the tail grows slowly? Gray: Thats a good point Like Do they just appear within like 3 seconds or do they grow like plants Steph: that's not really specified anywhere so that's up to me... Gray: Because if you take the 9 tails and devide it into 3 And make each tail grow in three stages or two or whatever you can make progression alot smoother as in Steph: yeah i see where you're going hmm... Gray: You can make it either a choise (Unlock power A B or C first) or a longer thing Im good at this type of thing Steph: i'm probs going to document this conversation Gray: But yeah a nice animal jappanesse lore based mod will "Sell" well lol Np Go for it Im here to help Steph: So my idea about the tails Gray: yess Steph: was that, of course there are more gods than tails but there are also Oni (demons) that i haven't got to getting the names of yet sooo see where i'm going? Gray: Ye Umm You might want to like Start a google doc Where you like idk So what Im thinking is that end game in your mod You have 9 tails Steph: who says that's end game? for all you know sir that's mid game Gray: Consisting of 23 parts True but this is what im thinking Each part giving you one power So thats 23 powers in all Thats a big mod. Like. Steph: yeah Gray: Not thumcraft level but still I really like player upgrading mods. Steph: almost nothing is thaumcraft level... Gray: And another thing is that True You have to make it orginal too Soo like I like the land moving idea Where you can flatten land Idk I see that kind of being like a Skyrim shout or a "Yip" Steph: Madriker is annoyed that filers aren't in here.... Gray: or whatever Filers? Steph: in the genesis modpack i mean from buildcraft Gray: O yeah Those. lol Steph: so he told me to add that and i just went, ok if i have time Gray: yeah I see Being able to like "Yip" or wjayeber and make the ground flatten is a perfecvt starting power Its simple Not over powered at all and would be hella useful Steph: yeah Gray: Think about it. Being able to "Yip" a forest away and start to lay down basic power and a TiCon Smeltery Something I would stay away from is things like Flying. Steph: yeah Gray: RF Steph: no flying RF? Gray: Power I wouldnt fuck with power in this mod./ Steph: this is a magic mod no plans for power Gray: Purely lore and player upgrade Yeah see I mean like Having power gen from a tail sounds cool and all but dosent fit the theme Steph: no it doesn't Gray: Umm Im not too sure how you would do the "Combat" portion that Auric mentions Steph: ok i just want to let you know... Gray: also I would stay away from baubles. Yiss Steph: That when i was at school working on this, i was like "when i get home i need to talk to gray, he's a furry he would understand" Gray: lol I'm not a furry I want to learn about this shit Steph: eh Gray: Like what a furry means and stuff Steph: there are different def of furry Gray: I'm not aginst it. Yeah thats the thing Im talking to bae about being a furry and shes like soo confused on what it is too lol Steph: lol it's fine Gray: Shes like "Those costumes arent hot bae pls" and im like "Not every furry wears a costume" I just think its about like idk Steph: Fur suits are ways for us to express ourselves, not really to be hot Gray: Yeah I know. Well actaually I dont Steph: lol Gray: Im just infering _INFERENCES INTENCFIES* Steph: lol Gray: But yeah If you can get a base going where like Somehow your mod introduses itself Like A ritual or something Like how thumcraft gives you the book But not a book Steph: there would most be something like that Gray: that has been done too much Like maybe a scroll Steph: i have someone working on a fox model... Gray: or something lore related Steph: soooo Gray: anyway Good Steph: maybe a fox could talk to you? Gray: Hmm Foxes the mob or Foxes the NPC Maybe: There a fox mob and you can interact with it Steph: yeah but it would be more indepth so it's not up to oh you randomly found a fox Gray: But idk that seems kinda dumb to have just a random fox hand you a scool Yeha see idk Steph: yeah i don't want that Gray: But if you can get a base going Purely of an idea that you like On how you would aquire this "Scroll" or whatever and then got about upgrading Steph: yeah Gray: and how upgrading would work and look like and shit then you can go from there Steph: i have an idea about upgrading and getting the gods to notice you Gray: But you dont wanna focus on the powers or features of the mod yet since its a tech *Not a tech mod Its moire of a lore/furry/magic mod Steph: yeah Gray: and thats what you should sell it as a lore driven furry/weeabo orentated magic mod. That would "Sell" Steph: weeabo is taboo in my vocab Gray: to magic mod lovers. Ok well I dont know what else to use though Like anime watchers Steph: it's like saying otaku to a japanese person Gray: Fans of jappaneese culture Yeah but liek you know what I mean Steph: yeah yeah Gray: anyway Furries and "Fans of jappenesse culture" magic mod lovers and THEN People who like useful minecraft mods Because if you devolpe a strong base for your mod Steph: i see it being useful like botania is usefull Gray: Your powers could suck for all I care If I had hella fun getting all the powers and shit Id get them and Botania isnt too useful Like Ive never gone into any magic mod