sefibk / KernelGAN

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Comparison experiments using SRMD in the paper #53

Open ly283 opened 3 years ago

ly283 commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much for the brilliant idea and work! I noticed that you compared ZSSR with SRMD using the kernel estimated by KernelGAN, I am wondering how you dealt with the kernel size since SRMD uses 1515 kernels. Did you just crop the generated kernel into 1515 to fit the setting of SRMD or there was some other tricks adopted? Thanks for your help and attention!

sefibk commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the compliments. That was a challenging issue to fit our representation of kernel to SRMD's. It is not a simple crop (as far as I remember) My colleague was the one to do that - I will ask him to see if he can recover the code for that.

ly283 commented 3 years ago

OK! Thanks so much for your help!