Closed RoStar2006 closed 1 year ago
The preset looks good in the screenshots, but you've confused branches and repositories. Resource repository is available here:
Please submit the appropriate pull request, and I will review your presets.
Genshin Shader by RoStar
This is a shader based upon the already included ones, but with a few removals, tweaks and additions. This shader is kind of too dark in dark areas for example caves, therefore I have included a brighter variation, but that variation sucks for everything else.
Important! Installation info
The included presets use the Shaders included with the Stella mod and the "Insane Shaders" collection from LordOfLunacy. So for the usage the included Insane_Shaders/Shaders files need to be put in the Stella-Mod-Resources/Shaders/Effects folder.