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Possible Issue with the "source activate devito" command #12

Open nate-benton90 opened 5 years ago

nate-benton90 commented 5 years ago

Following instructions for installing data and programs needed for the FWI (Part I) tutorial, I receive the following error (Image 1). Also, my current working system/specs are shown in another image (Image 2).

After attempting to run _source activate _devito__, the following error displays:

IMAGE 1 FWI_part1_issue

IMAGE 2 Current_Setup

Is there a way to resolve this issue?

aadm commented 5 years ago

Did you install Python via anaconda/miniconda? If yes try conda activate devito.

kwinkunks commented 5 years ago

+1 for what Alessandro said. (If you are not using conda, but venv, say, there may be other ways of activating the environment. For example, you may need to find the environment folder and run the activate.bat file there.)

Note that you may encounter issues with devito on Windows. See

nate-benton90 commented 5 years ago

Hi, @aadm and @kwinkunks - thanks for the feedback.

Be advised the conda link at Link 1 does not work. Also, the Tutorial notebooks with latest Devito/master link at Link 2 does not work.

The suggested command provided by @aadm passed: conda activate devito. However, after issuing that command and running the last one (i.e. pip install -e .), other problems start to unfold with the Python commands (see Image 1 below).

Note that I am using a Windows 10 machine and am trying to develop a better approach for using this tutorial for other users in similar situations, if possible.

After running the following commands, error messages follow:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from IPython.display import HTML

from examples.seismic import Model, plot_velocity

# Define a velocity model. The velocity is in km/s
vp = np.empty((101, 101), dtype=np.float32)
vp[:, :51] = 1.5
vp[:, 51:] = 2.5

Image 1: img1

CavalcanteLucas commented 5 years ago

it seems like this is an outdated version of devito's codebase