segabl / pd2-third-person

Experimental BLT mod that implements and enables third person mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 7 forks source link

The mod is not compatible with NBGTO mod's kicking feature #18

Closed PJzuza closed 1 year ago

PJzuza commented 6 years ago


Application has crashed: access violation


     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 
     payday2_win32_release  (???)     ???                                                 

Current thread: Main Script stack: set_running() lib/units/beings/player/states/playerstandard.lua:4482
_start_action_running() lib/units/beings/player/states/playerstandard.lua:1541
_check_action_run() lib/units/beings/player/states/playerstandard.lua:4454
_update_check_actions() lib/units/beings/player/states/playerstandard.lua:930
update() lib/units/beings/player/states/playerstandard.lua:424

System information: Application version : 1.85.486. CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz (2 cores); SSE; SSE2; SSE3; SSSE3; SSE4.1; SSE4.2 DirectX : 10.0 GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti / nvd3dum.dll[] Language : english Memory : 8155MB 504KB OS : 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1) 0x100-0x1 (64 bits) Physics : threaded Renderer : DX9 threaded Sound : Microsoft (Speakers (JBL Pebbles))

I have the hour filter feature on NBGTO and it will kick a player who has lower gameplay hours than in the hour filter. NBGTO mod works as it should be but if I have used this mod too. After the player get kicked. The game will be crashed and there will be a crash log like above. It happens in every heists as far as I have tested.

And I am sure it is this mod because I've taken off Third Person mod and I have kept other mods (Including Full speed swarm mods, WolfHud, NBGTO and Cheater Kicker ) no crash.

segabl commented 6 years ago

Not sure how this would effect the mod. Can't guarantee anything about this issue

PJzuza commented 6 years ago

@segabl I understand. Although this can be reproducible and it is pretty annoyed that I have to manually kick people instead of auto kick from using NBGTO mod.

Youtube's link Added A video. Any auto kick features from NBGTO mod + Third person mod can cause instant crashed :\

DeadneM commented 6 years ago

does it happen when you are in fps ? tps ? or both ? also it happens also in lobby ?

PJzuza commented 6 years ago

@DeadneM Do you mean in 1st person or 3rd person? Both. the mode is not a problem. It's something else

For the second question. No. No crash there but there is something more weird happened... Youtube's link A video can explain better than I said it myself I think...

Short version: In a lobby my character sometimes got swapped with the one who joined me and I could even see when they sent me a chat box message. It happened only when I have NBGTO auto kicked feature + Third Person mods ON. If only NBGTO mods then everything is fine.

segabl commented 6 years ago

Not sure how this happens. I'll check this.

PJzuza commented 6 years ago

@segabl I'm still trying to figure out this issue. I've lowered the MenuManager.lua in NBGTO mod at line --DelayedCalls:Add("NoobJoin:Delayed_Kick_" .. id .. "_2", 10, function() Into DelayedCalls:Add("NoobJoin:Delayed_Kick_" .. id .. "_2", 3, function() --lower the time to kick him out of the lobby in case it may help but no luck...
Now I got like 2 different crashes... probably more in the future
My new crash#1
The first one poped up while I was trying to kick a hidden profile player.
My new crash#2
The second one came from the time where someone tried to join my lobby and got kicked by NBGTO but I still see his equipment and weapons on my loadout screen...
Pictures fyi My loadout My loadout (Sorry but I am testing some mods with Thai translation as well :P)

His loadout His loadout that replaced my loadout (but just a weapon, deployable etc. but when I started the game. It's still be my build. Not his.)

Any idea what maybe the cause?

segabl commented 6 years ago

Not really. I still can't think of a reason why those two mods would clash. At that point in time third person isn't even used yet so idk.

PJzuza commented 6 years ago

@segabl Yeah that's pretty weird... But I feel that Third Person is related on the in-game aka while playing in a heist. Like people who got kicked still see a lobby as normal instead of being kicked out. tbh I've no idea where I should try or test it...

segabl commented 6 years ago

It might be that NGBTO is hooking some functions this mod also hooks and does so improperly? I don't have time to look at NGBTOs code atm but that's the only thing I can think of

PJzuza commented 6 years ago

@segabl You are right. I mean it could be both and NBGTO mod is very outdated and Fishtaco won't update his mods anymore sadly. I guess it may have to rewritten the whole codes again sooner or later. Though I don't get the different crashlogs I got... Ik how to reproduce it but I don't get how both mods will have a conflict to cause this annoying crash issue.