segasai / q3c

PostgreSQL extension for spatial indexing on a sphere
GNU General Public License v2.0
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q3c_poly_query using postgresql polygon type #13

Closed rhandberg closed 5 years ago

rhandberg commented 5 years ago

When using the q3c_poly_query function it has to be called using an string-array like shown in the examples:

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE q3c_poly_query(ra, dec, '{0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 0, 1}');

However, if I have a table of polygons (in column named "footprint", stores as PostgreSQL polygon objects ( I would like to check which polygons the point is in:

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE q3c_poly_query(69.57945923, -57.20383833, footprint);

This fails because q3c_poly_query does not accept polygons as input.

Wouldn't it make sense to have q3c_poly_query accept actual polygons as input?

segasai commented 5 years ago

I agree that it would make perfect sense. I am happy to accept the patch on that, or maybe I'll code it during Christmas...

demitri commented 5 years ago

I would be very interested in seeing this as well. I'd be happy to contribute to the code to make this happen if it would help.

segasai commented 5 years ago

I've started coding it today by cleaning up the existing code that should make the change easier The only bit that is needed is to read the PG polygon in C and some SQL plumbing. I'll see if I can code it soonish.

segasai commented 5 years ago

Done in Q3C-1.8.0 See and test

demitri commented 5 years ago

Thanks! I will test it ASAP.

dannygoldstein commented 5 years ago

does this now work as a join model? I.e., can one do

SELECT * from IMAGE I join SOURCE s on q3c_poly_query(s.ra, s.dec, i.polygon) and = whatever?;

segasai commented 5 years ago

It is certainly not optimized for that. However (to my surprise). It works, however I've had to set enable_seqscan to off

wsdb=> \d xx
     Table "koposov.xx"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 a      | polygon | 

wsdb=> select * from xx;
(1 row)

wsdb=> \timing
wsdb=> select count(objid) from xx,sdssdr9.phototag as s where q3c_poly_query(s.ra,s.dec,xx.a);
(1 row)
Time: 276.023 ms
dannygoldstein commented 5 years ago

Awesome! Would be really nice to have an optimized version...