segfault-bilibili / ShadowsocksGostPlugin

Gost 的 Shadowsocks 安卓插件,可以直接在 Shadowsocks 安卓客户端上连接 Gost 服务器
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How to configure Shadowsocks app and its Gost plugin? #4

Open pyzenberg opened 1 year ago

pyzenberg commented 1 year ago


I have a gost chain consists of two VPS. I want to connect Shadowsocks android app and its gost plugin to the VPS with the following configuration:

# gost -L relay+pht://USER1:PASSWORD1@VPS1_IP:PORT -F relay+pht://USER2:PASSWORD2@VPS2_IP:PORT

How can I configure ss-android app and the plugin correspondingly?

I'm using gost 3.0.0-rc.2, Shadowsocks 5.3.2 app and ShadowsocksGostPlugin 3.0.0-rc.0-gui from current fork (segfault-bilibili)
