## API
## ===
## Directory for static and template files
static-files-dir = "/usr/share/radiobrowser"
## Log file path
listen-host = ""
log-dir = "/var/log/radiobrowser/"
## Listening port
listen-port = 8080
## How many concurrent threads used by socket
threads = 5
## Documentation url to be used if automatic way is not working (HTTP/1.0)
server-url = "https://de1.api.radio-browser.info"
## Database
## ========
## database connection string (mysql, mariadb)
database = "mysql://radiouser:password@dbserver/radio"
## Ignore errors on database migration scripts
## ONLY use this if you know what you are doing
ignore-migration-errors = false
## Allow database to downgrade if you start an older version
## of the radio browser binary
allow-database-downgrade = false
## Prometheus exporter
## ===================
## This will enable the prometheus compatible exporter on the main listening port
## You can reach it by doing a "GET /metrics"
prometheus-exporter = true
## Prefix for all exported keys
prometheus-exporter-prefix = "radio_browser"
## Stream check
## ============
## Enable the checking of stations
enable-check = true
## Concurrent checks
concurrency = 10
## Batchsize of stations to get from the database at a time
stations = 100
## Enable delete logic for stations
delete = true
## Interval in seconds to wait after every batch of checks
pause = "60secs"
## Timeout for tcp connections
tcp-timeout = "10secs"
## Recursive depth for real stream link resolution
max-depth = 5
## Retries for each station check until marked as broken
retries = 5
## Check server infos if server supports it (icecast)
server-info-check = false
## Chunksize for checking servers
server-info-check-chunksize = 100
# Check if current favicon in database still works, and remove them if not
recheck-existing-favicon = false
## Try to extract favicon from website for empty favicons
enable-extract-favicon = false
## Minimum (width or height) of favicons extracted
favicon-size-min = 32
## Maximum (width or height) of favicons extracted
favicon-size-max = 256
## Optimum size of favicons extracted
favicon-size-optimum = 128
## File path to CSV for replacing languages (local path or http/https)
replace-language-file = "/app/radiobrowser_config/language-replace.csv"
## File path to CSV for mapping language to code (local path or http/https)
language-to-code-file = "/app/radiobrowser_config/language-to-code.csv"
## File path to CSV for replacing tags (local path or http/https)
replace-tag-file = "/app/radiobrowser_config/tag-replace.csv"
## Caches
## ======
## Update caches at an interval
update-caches-interval = "5mins"
## Cleanup
## =======
## Cleanup worker startup interval
cleanup-interval = "1hour"
## The same ip cannot do clicks for the same stream in this timespan
click-valid-timeout = "1day"
## Broken streams are removed after this timespan, if they have never worked.
broken-stations-never-working-timeout = "3days"
## Broken streams are removed after this timespan.
broken-stations-timeout = "30days"
## Checks are removed after this timespan.
checks-timeout = "30days"
## Checks are removed after this timespan.
clicks-timeout = "30days"
## reload / redownload some config files
refresh-config-interval = "1day"
## Mirroring
## =========
## Mirror pull interval in seconds
mirror-pull-interval = "5mins"
## How many changes should be pulled in a chunk while pulling
chunk-size-changes = 10000
## How many checks should be pulled in a chunk while pulling
chunk-size-checks = 10000
I'm getting this error in the log of the radiobrowserapi container:
2023-03-18 22:05:10 2023-03-18T21:05:10,787858806 ERROR radiobrowser_api_rust DB connection error: DriverError { Could not connect to address
dbserver:3306': Connection refused (os error 111) }`This is my current config: