segment-boneyard / nightmare

A high-level browser automation library.
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Running 2x asynchronous is not working #1573

Open rafaelperozin opened 4 years ago

rafaelperozin commented 4 years ago

I've been trying a lot of different ways to run the nightmare 2 times asynchronous and nothing worked.

This is my current code:

const Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var bluebirdNightmare = Nightmare({
    Promise: require('bluebird')

// #1. Set our product
const ourProductUrl = ';

// #2. Get the name
const scanMyEcommerce = url => {
    console.log('#1', url);
    return bluebirdNightmare
        .evaluate(() => document.querySelector('h1[itemprop="name"]').textContent)
        .then(productName => { return productName; })
        .catch(error => console.log('Search failed:', error));
// Treat the name to be a good search term
const covertoToSearchTerm = content => {
    console.log('#2', content);
    // Remove html tags
    content = content.replace(/<[^>]*>?/gm, '');
    // Remove extra spaces
    content = content.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
    // Remove hifens with spaces around
    content = content.replace(/\s-\s/g, ' ');
    // Remove parentedes
    content = content.replace(/([()])/g, '');
    // content = content.replace(')', '');
    return content;

// #3. Get competirors on Google
const searchCompetitors = keyword => {
    console.log('#3', keyword);
    return bluebirdNightmare
        .type('form[role="search"] input[title="Search"]', keyword)
        .click('form[role="search"] input[aria-label="Google Search"]')
        .evaluate(() => [...document.querySelectorAll('cite')].map(e => e.closest('a').href))
        .then(foundUrls => { return foundUrls; })
        .catch(error => console.log('Search failed:', error));

// Run the robot
    .then(term => {
        const searchTerm = covertoToSearchTerm(term);
        return searchCompetitors(searchTerm);
    .then(res => {console.log('#4', res);});

The code console.log '1', '2' and '3' but not '4' How should I fix it? What I'm doing wrong?