segment-boneyard / nightmare

A high-level browser automation library.
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Unable to use Nightmare.js in an electron app #1637

Open ahsanaasim opened 3 years ago

ahsanaasim commented 3 years ago

I am using Nightmare.js inside an electron app with the webpack. But when I try to use Nightmare.js I am getting the following error

TypeError: window.Main.nightmare(...).goto is not a function
    at Function.eval [as loginUser] (NightmareUtils.ts?fe62:9)
    at handleSayHello (index.tsx?6a78:13)
    at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js?6ac8:3945)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js?6ac8:3994)
    at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js?6ac8:4056)
    at invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError (react-dom.development.js?6ac8:4070)
    at executeDispatch (react-dom.development.js?6ac8:8243)
    at processDispatchQueueItemsInOrder (react-dom.development.js?6ac8:8275)
    at processDispatchQueue (react-dom.development.js?6ac8:8288)
    at dispatchEventsForPlugins (react-dom.development.js?6ac8:8299)

Here is how I am using Nightmare.js

export class NightmareUtils {
    static loginUser = (username: string, password: string, onDone: () => void) => {

        // console.log(window.Main.nightmare())

        try {
                .type(`input[name="session_key"]`, username)
                .type(`input[name="session_password"]`, password)
                .click(`button[class='btn__primary--large from__button--floating']`)
                // .wait(20000)
                .then(() => {
                .catch((e) => {
        } catch (e: any) {


I am using webpack to preload the following code brige.ts

// @ts-nocheck
import { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } from 'electron'
import Nightmare from 'nightmare'

export const api = {
   * Here you can expose functions to the renderer process
   * so they can interact with the main (electron) side
   * without security problems.
   * The function below can accessed using `window.Main.sayHello`

  sendMessage: (message: string) => {
    ipcRenderer.send('message', message)

   * Provide an easier way to listen to events
  on: (channel: string, callback: Function) => {
    ipcRenderer.on(channel, (_, data) => callback(data))

  nightmare: () => { 
    return new Nightmare({
      show: true

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('Main', api)

I posted a question in StackOverflow as well. But didn't get any response.

ahsanaasim commented 3 years ago

I have changed the bright.ts file to something like this

// @ts-nocheck
import { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } from 'electron'
import Nightmare from 'nightmare';
// const Nightmare = require('nightmare')
const nightmare = new Nightmare({ electronPath: require('electron'), show: true });

export const api = {
   * Here you can expose functions to the renderer process
   * so they can interact with the main (electron) side
   * without security problems.
   * The function below can accessed using `window.Main.sayHello`

  sendMessage: (message: string) => {
    ipcRenderer.send('message', message)

   * Provide an easier way to listen to events
  on: (channel: string, callback: Function) => {
    ipcRenderer.on(channel, (_, data) => callback(data))

  nightmare: (): Nightmare => { 
    // { electronPath: require('electron'), show: true }

    return nightmare

contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('Main', api)

And when I call, console.log(window.Main.nightmare()) I can see an interesting thing... window.Main.nightmare() is not returning everything from nightmarejs.

I have explained the whole thing in this video