segment-boneyard / nightmare

A high-level browser automation library.
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detect events fired on document load #1654

Open raquelhortab opened 1 year ago

raquelhortab commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to detect events / function calls (more specifically an alert) that is fired directly when the document loads (it is placed directly on the script tag, not binded by any event listener:

<script language="JavaScript">

but it does not seem to work

I got this on the preload script

window.alert = function(message) {
  send('page', 'alert', message)


beforeEach(() => {
  nightmare.on('page', (type, message) => {
  if (type == 'alert'){

I then check in the test whether I got the expected alert_messages.

This works when the alert is triggered by a click or some other event but not with the example above.

Does anyone know a way to check this other than, for example, duplicating the script tag during the test?