segment-boneyard / nightmare

A high-level browser automation library.
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Why nightmarejs can't run correctly in ubuntu & centos? #423

Closed xeyesu closed 8 years ago

xeyesu commented 8 years ago

I found that the Examples <<Let's search on Yahoo:>> can't run correctly in ubuntu & centos. When I run the examples in window 8, It's can run and output the result. But when I run the examples in ubuntu & centos, it run fast and exit at once, and no result output. It seems like that nightmare just push action into queue, but do nothing.

Can anybody else have such issues?

xeyesu commented 8 years ago

output in window8:

node yahoo.js

output in centos:

[root@test]# DEBUG=nightmare node --harmony yahoo.js
nightmare starting...
nightmare queueing action "goto" for +0ms nightmare queueing action "type" +5ms
nightmare queueing action "click" +2ms
nightmare queueing action "wait" +0ms
nightmare queueing action "evaluate" +0ms
nightmare running +1ms

rosshinkley commented 8 years ago

Without spinning up a Centos VM, this sounds suspiciously like there's no X-compatible framebuffer running. Take a look through #224, possible duplicate of #269.

xeyesu commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much. I have take a look through #224, and make some upgrade for my ubuntu server. Now my program has been running in ubuntu correctly.

Thank you!

matthewmueller commented 8 years ago

closing since this is a dup of #224