segment-integrations / analytics-android-integration-amplitude

The Amplitude analytics-android integration.
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Fix issue while reading values from Group Payload in group() call #57

Closed taruntyagi946 closed 1 year ago

taruntyagi946 commented 3 years ago

What does this PR do? Fix issue while reading values from Group Payload in group() call

Are there breaking changes in this PR? No

Has this been tested end-to-end? Please provide screenshots on how the fix now populates in the end tool. If not, what was done to test? Screenshot 2020-11-19 at 8 21 39 PM

Any background context you want to provide? Amplitude group call with group_type and group_value traits wasn't working without this fix.

Is there parity with the server-side/analytics.js integration (if applicable)? No.

Does this require a metadata change? If so, please link the PR from No.

What are the relevant tickets? N/A

Link to CC ticket N/A

List all the tests accounts you have used to make sure this change works N/A

Helpful Docs N/A

Version for this change Not sure.