segment-integrations / analytics-ios-integration-bugsnag

The Bugsnag analytics-ios integration.
MIT License
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[STRATCONN-420] Update headers and CI config #10

Closed gpsamson closed 3 years ago

gpsamson commented 3 years ago

Segment’s iOS SDK was namespaced to SEGAnalytics under the Objective-C naming convention. As we modernized the SDK to support Swift and more package managers beyond Cocoapods such as Swift Package Manager and Carthage the namespace was renamed to Analytics in-line with Swift idioms as well as Package Manager requirements. It was released as beta. We have received customer feedback that this is leading to namespace collisions and are now going to change this to a much clearer namespace: Segment and the community prefer this as well.

SegmentBot commented 3 years ago

By analyzing the blame information on this pull request, we identified and undefined to be a potential reviewer.