segment-integrations / analytics-ios-integration-firebase

Segment's bundled integration for Firebase on iOS
MIT License
13 stars 91 forks source link

Prepare for release 2.7.13 #100

Closed DaanVanRuijvenTide closed 1 year ago

DaanVanRuijvenTide commented 1 year ago

In this new version I've updated Firebase Version to 10.4 using the optimistic operator for the minor versions. This is in line with the package manager for Swift, as it uses package(url:from:) function from which the documentation states it will update minor versions but not major ones.

Please advice if you're happy with this, or we should add back the patch version number.

DaanVanRuijvenTide commented 1 year ago

Hi @MichaelGHSeg, could you review this please.

bsneed commented 1 year ago

This was updated to 10.6 in another PR.