segment-integrations / analytics-ios-integration-firebase

Segment's bundled integration for Firebase on iOS
MIT License
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Swift Package Manager (SPM) Support #64

Closed maherhanafi closed 3 years ago

maherhanafi commented 3 years ago


Are you planning to support SPM moving forward?

Thank you

kemalenver commented 3 years ago

Fully support doing this. My team have recently removed Carthage and CocoaPods from our project in favour of SPM 👍

ztepsa commented 3 years ago

Any news on this issue? Firebase supports SMP for a while now and it's working nicely. Here's a link to Firebase SPM docs.

maherhanafi commented 3 years ago

No news yet. We are trying to escalate to Segment via other channels

Jeehut commented 3 years ago

Would love to see this, Firebase is support SwiftPM now, this is the only library missing for us ...

Jeehut commented 3 years ago

I just posted a PR that's fixing this. Until it gets merged, feel free to use my fork by using and pointing to the master branch.