segment-integrations / analytics.js-integration-intercom

The Intercom analytics.js integration.
MIT License
7 stars 12 forks source link - "can't have more than 120 active events" error #16

Closed irmiller22 closed 8 years ago

irmiller22 commented 8 years ago

I have several other Segment integrations that are sending more than 120 active events (Mixpanel being one of them). I just turned on the integration yesterday, and I'm getting the following error message in the response on our production app:

{"error_message":"Cannot have more than 120 active event names"}

Request URL:
Request Method:POST
Status Code:422 Unprocessable Entity
Remote Address:

This is a lot of noise, and not something I'd like to see showing up on our live app. I'm stuck here, because I can't reduce the number of active events that we're tracking with other Segment integrations. Is there a way to turn off the noise, or at least selectively choose which events that are sent to

f2prateek commented 8 years ago

You can use selective integrations in code or in the Segment UI if you're on a business plan

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