segmentio / analytics-node

The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any node application.
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Refused to set unsafe header "user-agent" #139

Closed aaroncraig10e closed 6 years ago

aaroncraig10e commented 6 years ago

This isn't technically an issue with this library, however it should be noted that neither Chrome nor Safari currently allow setting the "user-agent" header, both throw Refused to set unsafe header "user-agent" errors.

It might be responsible to detect whether or not the browser allows for setting this header to avoid spurious errors getting thrown.

I'm happy to open a PR if there's a chance it will go in. We'd certainly like that, as currently we're getting this error on every page load.

f2prateek commented 6 years ago

@aaroncraig10e thanks for reporting. what's the end behaviour - does the request get blocked, or is it only that the user agent doesn't get set and a warning/error is shown in the console?

Depending on what the implementation looks like, I think we'd be open to detecting this case and handling it appropriately. This seems preferable if it's not too challenging.

Alternatively, we could have an API to disable sending the user agent.

aaroncraig10e commented 6 years ago

It looks like it makes the request without overriding the user agent string, ie I see (in the Network tab, so the request is successfully made):
accept:application/json, text/plain, */*
accept-encoding:gzip, deflate, br
authorization:Basic [redacted]
user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36

So, it looks like the only problem is the spurious error (and not setting the header value, of course).

I'm thinking the implementation would be to add a try...catch around the setRequestHeader call, and if an error is thrown and the key is 'user-agent', emit a warning instead of the error?

If try/catch doesn't work on a low-level call like that (the error may get emitted by the browser anyway), then I suppose detecting for Firefox and filtering everything else (with a warning?) is the next best approach.

Hopefully this issue will disappear when all the vendors catch up to the spec.

Happy to hear feedback on the implementation, and I'll try to get a PR together today or tomorrow.

f2prateek commented 6 years ago

cc @vadimdemedes @stephenmathieson what do you think? try-catch feels like it could hide other unintended bugs.

Maybe we could make user agent an option that defaults to our current user-agent - and then browser users could set it to "" to skip setting the user agent.

stephenmathieson commented 6 years ago

Interesting. I didn't know that Chrome/Safari did this!

I think a try/catch around setting the user agent would be fine, but I'm not 100% sure Axios would allow us to do this. If the library supports it, then 👍 from me =]

aaroncraig10e commented 6 years ago

@f2prateek sorry, should have specified -- I'd detect both the error message and the header key, and rethrow any error that isn't this specific problem.

vadimdemedes commented 6 years ago

try-catch feels like it could hide other unintended bugs.

We shouldn't do it, because it will hide bugs, which is not something we'd want. Instead, we should check if analytics-node is being run in a browser env (typeof window !== 'undefined') and see if we need to set user agent header. If this is a crucial information that can't be omitted, we should consider sending it some other way, maybe via query string or req body.

aaroncraig10e commented 6 years ago

I've opened an issue with Axios -- if they are open to a PR, then a fix upstream will be more useful to everyone.

Leaving the link here and will update as appropriate:

f2prateek commented 6 years ago

Looks like we haven't heard back from axios yet, so tracking internally in JIRA

I do think we want to send this as a header for the ALB logs (we already send it in the body but that's only available in logs once it gets accepted by the API). Sending writeKeys in paths could be an option but will require multiple changes from our API side (tracking-api, api-forwarder, api at least). Not sure if it's worth it to accommodate just this single library.

ghost commented 6 years ago

For now we're going to target v3.1.0 of the library to get around this problem. If you want to track version usage in the header, perhaps you can use a custom header like X-Segment-Version?

stephenmathieson commented 6 years ago

I think a custom header could work, but I'm not sure the logs from the ALB will contain the header.

@f2prateek since this is preventing users from using analytics-node and nothing (that I'm aware of) is relying on the user-agent being set (yet), should we remove it for now?

f2prateek commented 6 years ago

Sorry thought I already replied here. Correct, the issue is that custom headers don't show up in ALB logs.

I also just made a ticket to remove this

Also I don't think we plan on actively using this header so it's expected that nothing is using it now (and even in the future). If we were to find an issue in the node library, then we'd be using this header to check for impact in the ALB logs.

stephenmathieson commented 6 years ago

Right, but my question isn't what the header is for, but if it's more important than users being able to use analytics-node. Currently you're unable to send events using the library in Chrome or Safari. Is this more or less important than the possibility to check logs for impact?

f2prateek commented 6 years ago

Currently you're unable to send events using the library in Chrome or Safari.

Going off what was reported in It sounded like a warning is surfaced is surfaced (in Chrome and Safari) but the events themselves aren't being dropped. Though I guess for some folks the warning being surfaced can be enough of a "blocker".

My initial thinking here is that is a bit of of an edge case (given this is primarily a server side library u like a.js) and that we can suggest the following options for the users using analytics-node on Chrome and Safari:

And of course we'll get this fixed as well so Chrome/Safari users can use the latest version of analytics-node. So we're tracking it internally at Don't have an ETA yet, but will post here when there's an update.

aaroncraig10e commented 6 years ago

I can confirm that in our setup, the events do get sent even with the warning.

The behavior does not break anything else going on in the app -- it's just the error is a bit of noise that we'd like to get rid of rather than learn to ignore.

Regarding the comment that this is primarily a server side library, I'm wondering if we're using the wrong library in the browser? What is the recommended library for integrating a React app into

f2prateek commented 6 years ago

Typically we recommend using analytics.js It has a fair amount of more client side specific features. e.g. grabbing browser context information and loading client side destinations. Another one we're currently working on is persistent queueing.

There's definitely nothing wrong with using analytics-node in the browser, it just won't have the same set of browser specific features as a.js. Depending on your use case, that may be an acceptable trade-off!

stephenmathieson commented 6 years ago

Ah, sorry. I read this as a literal throw new Error(...):

both throw Refused to set unsafe header "user-agent" errors

I agree, if it's just a warning, I don't think we need to revert the UA code quite yet. It would be nice to remove the warning at some point soon tho