segmentio / analytics-react-native

The hassle-free way to add analytics to your React-Native app.
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feat: add uuid and device info provider config #934

Closed oscb closed 2 months ago

oscb commented 2 months ago

feat: add uuid and device info provider config

Adds 2 new configuration options: uuidProvider and deviceInfoProvider to provide extensibility to other platforms like Windows, Web, Expo, etc.


export type UUIDProvider = () => string;

Supplies a simple UUID generator. By default it will try to use react-native-get-random-values unless one specific provider is passed. If the lib is not installed it will rely on JS random generators and log a warning


export type DeviceInfoProvider = (
  config: GetContextConfig
) => Promise<NativeContextInfo>;

A function that returns the device context information. By default we will use our own native module if there's one available for the platform (Android & iOS).