segmentio / daydream

A chrome extension to record your actions into a nightmare or puppeteer script
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Daydream generates extreme selectors #21

Open kokujin opened 8 years ago

kokujin commented 8 years ago

Is there a way to shorten the selectors generated by Daydream? Or a way to let Daydream know when to generate relative selector paths? Here is a snippet of a generated click:

            ' body div.header-nav div.container div.navbar-inner.container div.nav-collapse.collapse ul#megamenu.nav li#toys.dropdown.main-nav-item.mmenu-item.activated a.main-nav-item'

This was generated by clicking the "issues" link in this github repositoty:

click(' body.logged_in.env-production.macintosh.vis-public div.main-content div div#js-repo-pjax-container.context-loader-container.js-repo-nav-next div.pagehead.repohead.instapaper_ignore.readability-menu.experiment-repo-nav div.container nav.reponav.js-repo-nav.js-sidenav-container-pjax.js-octicon-loaders a.js-selected-navigation-item.reponav-item')

This is huge und unnecessary. Any ideas? Thanks

stevenmiller888 commented 8 years ago

@kokujin Do you have a better idea for ensuring a unique path to the element? I'm sure there's a smarter way to do it, just haven't had time to think it over.

michalbe commented 8 years ago

Maybe it would be smart to introduce a configuration where you can specify how the selectors will be calculated? With options like:

kokujin commented 8 years ago

I think that would open a can of worms @michalbe , It would be best it it would just automatically generate the shortest, most optimized selector.

Think about the scenario of allowing non technical users in a QA department.

kokujin commented 8 years ago

Have you thought about using a third party lib to generate the electors @stevenmiller888 ? for example,, from the description:

it also generates shorter selectors and is faster and/or more robust than many other libraries - see this comparison and select the best alternative for your use case.

kokujin commented 8 years ago is also an option to generate short selectors

michalbe commented 8 years ago

Not sure if the first one is a good choice, apparently the lib has some infinite loops bugs inside.

There is a benchmark for this already: css-selector-generator-benchmark

justsml commented 7 years ago

RE @michalbe I'd love to also specify a black list of selectors. A few "bad" selectors mess really mess my tests up.

roryrjb commented 6 years ago

@stevenmiller888 the pull request has already solved this and I think this can be closed. In all my testing I haven't experienced any issues with long selectors.