segmentio / typewriter

Type safety + intellisense for your Segment analytics
MIT License
227 stars 53 forks source link

Error when running init #310

Open cideM opened 1 year ago

cideM commented 1 year ago


$ node --version
$ npm --version
$ tsc --version
Version 5.1.6

No previous typewriter installation, ran rm -rf node_modules and rg --hidden typewriter. Doing the steps outlined in


  1. Install analytics.jsusing NPM method, so npm install @segment/analytics-next
    $ rg segment/analytics
    20:    "@segment/analytics-next": "^1.53.3",
  2. Once you’ve got analytics.js installed, add Typewriter as a developer dependency in your project: npm install --save-dev typewriter
    $ rg typewriter
    47:    "typewriter": "^9.1.0",
  3. If you are a snippet user that uses TypeScript, you should also install the npm library as a dev dependency to get the typescript types. I am not a snippet user, so skipping this
  4. Run npx typewriter init to [...]
    • Ready
    • Copy working token
    • n would not like to store
    • select tracking plan
    • choose analytics as directory
    • language Typescript
    • As SDK choose Web (analytics.js)
    • n for fine tuning
      Configuration Summary:
      Name           Value
      ────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────
      Tracking Plans *******************
      Paths          analytics
      Language       TypeScript
      SDK            analytics-js
    • y save
      ? Save these settings? Yes
      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'method')
      $ ls analytics
      ls: cannot access 'analytics': No such file or directory
$ uname -a
Darwin *************.local 22.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Thu Jun  8 22:22:20 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.121.3~7/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64 arm Darwin

Expectation vs. reality

Expected there to be


cideM commented 1 year ago

I also tried these steps on a NixOS system but I get the same error

cideM commented 1 year ago

It seems that init simply no longer creates a client. Either the documentation or the code needs to be updated. I don't see anything about generating a client in the command

The error appears to come from the initCommand call

Jorundur commented 12 months ago

Having the same issue. Can someone from Segment look into this? It's been over a month now.

EDIT: I just ran the command again and this time it worked. The only difference now was that since I'm using pnpm in my project I did pnpm dlx typewriter init instead of npx typewriter init and that worked. Maybe that was necessary!

cideM commented 3 months ago

This is still an issue, regardless of whether you use npx or you install the required packages manually.