segmentio / utm-params

parse and get all utm parameters
MIT License
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Querystring parsing #1

Closed amillet89 closed 9 years ago

amillet89 commented 9 years ago

@yields @calvinfo @wcjohnson11

looks like certain querystrings aren't being parsed properly. for e.g:

{ 's://': 'yuX3vawa',
  utm_medium: 'navbar',
  utm_source: 'inproduct' }
{ '://': '',
  medium: 'partner-website',
  name: 'partner-docs',
  content: 'redshift-docs' }

Will has more examples of working url's here, and NON-working url's here

tj commented 9 years ago

Interesting! Sounds related to the weird stuff I've been seeing in Redshift for touchofmodern

wcjohnson11 commented 9 years ago

The previous examples were from the logs for Atlassian's main site, I'm adding some more examples I pulled up for a seperate ticket that came in this morning for Hipchat, working url's here, and NON-working url's here

^updated because links fixed and Amir invited to Mode

yields commented 9 years ago

i couldn't access modeanalytics, it's not in meldium, can you guys send me the creds?

hmm utm accepts a querystring, not a url, so it's: utm('?').

i clicked the last two examples and looks like they are working correctly? (enabled debugging and look for segmentio sent > o)

the first one is really interesting:

There's no utm_ in the querystring at all, there's utm_ in the encoded url hidden in u=, what's the correct thing to do here?, should we check to see if the domain is and get u= and parse it? that's not correct IMHO.

cc @calvinfo @ianstormtaylor