segrelab / comets

Computation of Microbial Ecosystems in Time and Space
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Gurobi package name changed from `gurobi` to `com.gurobi.gurobi` in new version and cause package not found error in COMETS #52

Open gaospecial opened 1 month ago

gaospecial commented 1 month ago

I found when using COMETS with gurobi 11.0.2, there is a error cause by Gurobi.

The original error in cometspy is as follows:

RuntimeError: COMETS simulation did not complete:JAVA could not find gurobi.
try the following:
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['GUROBI_COMETS_HOME']
if there is nothing there try setting that variable
to the location of gurobi.jar, for example:
>>> os.environ['GUROBI_COMETS_HOME'] = '/opt/gurobi900/inux64'

After investigation, I identified it is a java class definition not found error raised by COMETS.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gurobi/GRBException
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.fba.FBAModel.(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.fba.FBAModel.(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.fba.FBAModel.loadModelFromFile(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.fba.FBACometsLoader.loadModelFromFile(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.fba.FBACometsLoader.parseModelFileLine(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.fba.FBACometsLoader.loadLayoutFile(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.Comets.loadLayoutFile(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.Comets.runScript(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.Comets.(
        at edu.bu.segrelab.comets.Comets.main(

In of source of COMETS, the format used to import is no longer work in new version of gurobi.

import gurobi.GRBConstr;
import gurobi.GRBEnv;
import gurobi.GRBException;
import gurobi.GRBLinExpr;
import gurobi.GRBModel;
import gurobi.GRBVar;
import gurobi.GRB.DoubleAttr;
import gurobi.GRB.IntAttr;
import gurobi.GRB.IntParam;
import gurobi.GRB.StringAttr;

I believed these lines should be updated to the latter format.

import com.gurobi.gurobi.GRB

Or, (to users) using gurobi v10.0.0 can work with current release of COMETS.

Hope this could be help.

dukovski commented 1 week ago

Thank you for the information. Yes, gurobi changed the import, and this is how it works now.