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SEGUID Calculator: Move source code to a separate repo #5

Open HenrikBengtsson opened 4 weeks ago

HenrikBengtsson commented 4 weeks ago is a nice example of how to use the JavaScript implementation of SEGUID.

I think its source code should live elsewhere; in either (a) stand-alone repo (e.g. seguid-calculator), or (b) be an "example app" under the repo (e.g. subfolder apps/). There's also enough additional JavaScript <script>...</script> code to make that code available via <script src=.../>, so that the webpage (web.qmd) source code becomes even smaller. Then the SEGUID Calculator page could also add a link to the source code for anyone who's interested. This way, it would be as simple as possible for someone to re-use it elsewhere, tweak it, and contribute back to it.

Not sure how to provide access to the SEGUID Calculator on the website; maybe a new "Apps" menu with a 'SEGUID Calculator". One could imagine other implementations or alternative in this 'Apps' menu, e.g. a Pyodide-based ShinyLive ( app, or a webR-based ShinyLive ( app. We might merge 'Live Demo' and 'Apps' into one menu.

louisabraham commented 4 weeks ago

I would advise making the calculator available on the main website as it makes diffusion easier

The current version looks quite good:

Also, I don't know how to post js (or pure html) files on quatro.

HenrikBengtsson commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, it should be available there for end-users, but I'm saying the source code should live elsewhere.

louisabraham commented 4 weeks ago


How can we then include an external html in the Quatro build process?