seguinryan / web-design-2-independent-project

Spend a few weeks writing the code for your independent project website—and make it amazing.
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Request for Grade #5

Open seguinryan opened 2 years ago

seguinryan commented 2 years ago


I will be honest. I am in need of a better grade, and I feel that I deserve a C at most. Things got so complicated really fast for me this term in web design. I’m not sure if I told you, but I have A.D.D. and high functioning autism, and I have no doubt this was a small reason as to why I struggled with the workload this term, but there's more. I came into your class later than everybody else as I had to fix my schedule, and so since the beginning, all I’ve been trying to do was keep up on my own. I was also unable to find a student who was willing to share their notes with me, and when I even paid for a tutor to help me understand my tasks, they couldn’t help me in the way that I needed help.

I was dependent on the services within my letter of accommodation, but I could not find the help I desperately needed. I hope this gives you a small understanding as to why I haven’t been able to keep up with you and everybody else, and so I thought that if I could just push through this on my own, I'd get by just fine. I didn't.

Talking to you 1 on 1 felt easy, but managing the weekly tasks and following along in class, trying to memorize the codes, attributes, and all the various tags became too challenging for me, also because I haven't been learning in person. I might not be cut out for always getting A’s and B’s in web, or for knowing the difference between a rem and an em, but I know that I am more than qualified to be a graphic designer. Christian, I’m looking to receive a C in web design so I can transfer my credits into another program that better suits my needs with my disability so I can really thrive, excel and grow as a creative individual who can ask for help, and who can succeed. Can you help me succeed?

thatkidmadrid commented 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing this Ryan. Of course I would love to help you succeed and I empathize for your situation and that's why I'm doing what I can to accommodate your LOA and give you extra support. But, I also need to do my job and grade you fairly, and I feel I've been more than generous and accommodating especially with the LOA - if you recall, it was me who was the one to initiate your LOA for the big project plan so that you didn't miss out on those grades. Keep in mind, the suspicious commits and the fact that markbot even called you out for cheating do not make a great case for you to receive a C for the course, but I will try to leave that out of the equation.

Another student who is in a similar situation came to me regularly to ask questions and get clarification for lessons and I was more than happy to help because they demonstrated the effort and initiative to ask. This student went from almost failing at midterm and struggling with assignments to actually being at the top of the section with a really solid final project and completing late exercises with proper commits that raise no suspicions of cheating. I'm telling you this because it's possible to turn things around if you want to put the effort in and reach out, especially while you're still a student. I don't recall you reaching out to me for support unless it was crunch time or too late.

I feel sorry if you felt the need to memorize anything, but there was no need to memorize anything for this course and there are several cheatsheets to support this fact. I never once said to memorize anything throughout the entire semester, and have instead reminded everyone of the cheatsheets and how to find them and how to use them when I would do in-class demos.

There are still a few exercises that you can hand in for marks if you need to, and you have a whole day to revisit your final project if you wanted to pick things from the rubric that will get you grades. I am also willing to reset the red marks for kraken-good-accessibility and modularity-mindfulness if you do them again with proper commits for an opportunity for even more marks. Be aware that I will be extra diligent in checking the commits if you choose to do so.