sehugg / 8bitworkshop

web-based IDE for 8-bit programming and Verilog development
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Timing not shown for macros on VCS #3

Open TheRealCatherine opened 6 years ago

TheRealCatherine commented 6 years ago

This is perhaps more of a feature request than an issue, but currently (v2.1.0) when editing for VCS (perhaps others as well?) and selecting Show Timing no timing is shown for macros either in the place that it is called on in the macro code itself. Here is a short example:


    processor 6502
        include "vcs.h"
        include "macro.h"

            sei     ;disable interrupts (not really needed, but convention)
            cld     ;disable BCD math mode
            ldx #$ff    ;initialize stack pointer to $FF
            txs     ;transfer X register to S register
            lda #0      ;set A register to 0

.InitToZero sta $0,X    ;store A register at ($0+X)
        dex     ;decrement X
            bne .InitToZero ;loop until X is 0

    seg Code
        org $f000


    lda #$ff ;load value into A
        sta COLUBK  ;store A into BG color register
        jmp Start

PowerOn org $fffc
        .word Start
        .word Start
sehugg commented 6 years ago

Hi! Guess I need to turn on Github notifications 👍

Yep, timing for macros is missing IIRC because DASM doesn't have a very comprehensive listing.